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Meet Campus Cutie: Knut Tjensvoll

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Name: Knut Tjensvoll

Year: Freshman

Major: Civil Engineering

Hometown: Oslo, Norway

Greek Affiliation: None

Relationship Status: Taken

What has surprised you most about college in America? The amount of frat parties! There’s nothing like this in Norway.

What’s your favorite spot on campus? Definitely the quad. I know it’s cliché, but it’s beautiful and it’s the best place to chill in the summer.

Who is your celebrity crush? Mila Kunis by far.

Have any guilty pleasures? I love Gossip Girl and have a man crush on Chuck Bass. Oh, and Shrek. Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

College! Can anything be more exciting! Born and raised on the southside of Chicago, I went to high school in the city so coming to the middle of the cornfields is a big change, but one I am very excited for. When I’m not busy stressing about school, I enjoy reading, having crazy adventures with friends, and just living to the fullest. (Insert one of my numerous favorite Pintrest quotes here) Fresh out of high school, I’m ready to report on all things collegiate and take you along my wild and sure to be bumpy road that is freshman year!