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10 Scary Movies Fit for a Collegiette with a Horror Obsession

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

The Halloween spirit is in full swing as cinema brought us the release of “Annabelle” earlier this month, which is one of potentially three spin-offs from the extremely successful horror film, “The Conjuring.”

With this release comes an obsession with the horror industry and a collegiette’s undeniable desire to get scared. So, for those of you that are just like me and can’t get enough of scary movies as Halloween rolls around, here are 10 of the best scary movies for collegiettes that are absolutely obsessed with the horror industry.

1. “The Conjuring”

To this day, this is one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen. “The Conjuring” is based on the true story of one of Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorraine (Vera Farmiga) Warren’s famous, paranormal investigations. The film adaptation remains pretty close to actual events, and doesn’t use cheap tricks to scare its viewers. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, I strongly suggest you do, because it’s one that’ll be talked about for years to come.

2. “The Ring”

Ah, this classic movie just doesn’t get old. It’s hard to look at a TV the same after this one, and director Gore Verbinski (also the director of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series) has created one of the best scary movies of all time. I promise that after seeing this one, you’ll be jumping every time your phone rings.

3. “The Grudge”

This film is probably one of the most underrated horror films, but it is also one of the best. It is based off of the Japanese story in which a curse enrages a person until it eventually takes their life, and then spreads to the next victim. The film has suspense, creepy noises and faces that’ll stick with you for weeks.

4. “Sinister”

This is a more recent film, and has one of the best plots in a scary movie that I’ve ever seen. A crime novelist moves into the home previously owned by a murdered family with a still-missing child. His investigation takes place in the home when he finds a mysterious box of tapes in his attic. The film is creepy and mysterious throughout, and I promise that you will jump more than once while watching this one.

5. “Saw”

While I wouldn’t exactly classify this as “scary,” it is still one of the most prominent films in the horror industry. With plots that connect and continuously surprise you, it’s easy to look past the gore. While I wouldn’t recommend this one for the squeamish, those collegiettes that love a good story and don’t mind being a little scarred for a while, this is the film for you.

6. “Scream”

This is one of the most unique scary movies in the business. From director Wes Craven (also the director of “A Nightmare on Elm Street”) this film will have you laughing and screaming all at once. Another new for the film industry? The bad guys are likeable and not all at the same time. I recommend watching the entire series (four films), and trust me, after you start the first, you won’t be able to stop anyway.

7. “The Strangers”

No matter how many times I watch this film, the idea of someone torturing you “because you’re home” continues to terrify me. While the movie isn’t scary in the way the other films are, this psychological thriller will make you never want to be home alone, and you won’t ever forget to lock your door.

8. “The Woman in Black”

Daniel Radcliffe may be hard to see as anything but Harry Potter, but in this film, he did a pretty good job of breaking that role. With a sequel in the works, this film’s success relied strongly on its ability to take Radcliffe, give him a character that the audience would like and set him up with a storyline that would terrify.

9. “Mama”

My only recommendation for this film is not to judge it from the first half hour. While the film gets off to a slow start, it eventually evolves into a story that you won’t be able to stop watching. The scares come out of nowhere, and never again will you be able to sleep without the feeling that there is something underneath your bed.

10. “House on Haunted Hill”

This remake is an old one, but it’s creepy too. The story brings together unlikely people in an old, haunted house to spend the night. With money on their mind, they all agree, but it isn’t until they’re at the house and start experiencing things they can’t explain that they think they’ve made a mistake. Scenes in this movie still give me chills, and it’s just one of those movies you’ve gotta see.

Keep this list in mind when planning your next Halloween bash, and maybe have a few friends sleep over to keep you company, because these scary movies are the best of the best and are guaranteed to keep you up all night.


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A senior at the University of Illinois, Elizabeth spends half of her time in denial of her impending graduation and the other half acting as Editor-in-Chief/ President/Campus Correspondent for the site you're on now, Her Campus Illinois. Her favorite color is pink, which makes this position a match made in heaven. Still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up, her passions lie in writing, digital marketing, social media and fashion. Connect with her on Twitter and Instagram @champaigngirl. And if you prefer good, old fashioned email, reach her at elizabethdeuel@hercampus.com.