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Thoughts Most Girls Have During The Super Bowl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

1.     I’m super excited for this Super Bowl party.

2.     Should I look cute or does it not matter?

3.     Whose house are we even going to?

4.     Chips and dip!

5.     This food is seriously the best I have ever had.

6.     What are the guys betting on?

7.     You could win money? Sign me up!

8.     I have to pick who’s going to win? Oh…uhm…I like their team name. I think they’re going to win

9.     The game is starting. Here we go!

10. Wow, this person singing the National Anthem isn’t that bad.

11. Does it not hurt to be tackled? That looks extremely painful.

12. Look! He just gets right up! How does he do that?

13. What does the ref’s hand movements even mean?

14. He looks like he’s dancing.

15. I think it’s time for more chips and dip.

16. Why is everyone yelling? What is going on?

17. Touchdown! That was the team I picked, right?

18. This half time show is great.

19.  Hopefully she doesn’t pull a Justin and Janet.

20. Only 2 more quarters left…I can do this.

21. People are booing. The ref made a bad call? Doesn’t he get paid to watch? How could he make a bad call?

22. I wonder if there’s some type of workout that requires this much running. I can only imagine how much weight I’d lose being in a football game.

23. Why is football so confusing? I’m never watching this again.

24. Last minute. Thank the football angels above!

25. The team I picked didn’t win? Wow, I’m bad at this.

26. I’m so glad this is over.

27. Oh, baseball season is coming up, you say? That’s…..great. 


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Amber Allison

Illinois State

Student at Illinois State University. Memeber of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Online shopping addict. Obsessed with coffee.
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