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Anticipation for the Grey’s Anatomy Winter Premiere

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Well, here we are. Mid season 13 of Grey’s Anatomy and the heartbreak just does not let up. We have seen just about everything on this show and have had every emotion a person can possibly feel. After all of the trauma, you think we would all stop doing this to ourselves, but no. We cannot stop watching and the anticipation for the winter premiere this Thursday is high.

I mean come on, will Alex take the plea? What is Owen going to do about Amelia leaving him? Will Dr. Webber still be in charge of the intern program? To be honest, in typical Grey’s fashion, it will probably take more than the winter premiere episode to answer these questions. But of course, we will wait. I mean we have already stuck around for 13 seasons, why quit now?

When Alex assaulted DeLuca he really lost his temper and should have reeled himself in real quick. In the most recent episode, Alex was given the option to plead guilty and go to jail or have his ex-girlfriend, Jo, testify. The answer would be simple if Alex was a selfish man, but that is not the case. If Jo testifies her abusive ex-husband may be able to find her and discover the new identity she made for herself. Meredith leaves Alex a heartbreaking message telling him, “it’s just you and I now and it can’t be just me, it can’t be”.” Mer just wants to keep her friend safe and we are all crying. We are left wondering if Alex will protect Jo or let her testify and wait out the consequences. The agony, I can’t stand it.

Also, what the heck Amelia? Leaving Owen after you have been married for like 5 minutes? Are you serious? Poor guy is left a note telling him, “not to blame himself.” Come on Amelia you know that the natural reaction to something like that is self blame. I am just waiting for what poor Owen is going to do because the man is just looking for some happiness.

Oh Dr. Webber. The man. The go-to. Webber is potentially being replaced as the head of the residency program and again, we are crying. Why fix what isn’t broken? In the most recent episode, some of the doctors were banding together to save Dr. Webber’s job, but I am really thinking that he may lose it.

Tune in this Thursday, Jan. 26 at 8 p.m. to find out what happens! (that is if anything actually gets figured out in the first episode).

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Allison O'Brien

Illinois State

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