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8 Things You Wish You Would Have Known Your First Semester at ISU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

At the start of everyone’s time at ISU, we all thought we knew it all. We didn’t want to take anyone’s advice or listen to what they had to say. However, after a semester (or a few) under your belt, you may now be regretting some of the choices you made early on at ISU. Here are something’s you probably wish you would have known your first semester at ISU:

1.     Flex does run out.

Einstein’s here, Subway there.. it added up and before you knew it, it’s only October and your flex is gone. Better luck next semester!


2.     …And so will your summer job money.

All that money you made before coming to ISU was great while it lasted, but the late night DP Dough and weekend activities made it all disappear quicker than expected.


3.     Attendance points are a thing.

You may have been told that going to class isn’t necessary, but after checking the grade book a month into classes, you realized the continuous class skipping might not have been the best idea.


4.     Just because the food is there… Doesn’t mean you should always eat it.

The dining center can be a dangerous place when it comes to your diet. Having endless amounts of pizza, breadsticks, cookies, etc. may have seemed like a good thing at the time but after the semester was over your jeans were likely a bit more snug than when it started.


5.     Procrastinating will catch up with you.

Not having anyone hound you about homework, studying and writing papers is nice, but when it comes down to actually doing the work, last minute cramming seemed to be a regular occurrence.


6.     … and so will what you did on the weekend.

It was great finally leaving your parent’s house and being able to do whatever you want, but when you started to go out Wednesday-Saturday, everything else in your life started to slip as well.


7.     Scheduling your classes is not done for you.



In high school, registering for classes was very lackluster. However, at ISU it is an organizational process and no one doing it for the first time is ready.


8.     Rate My Professor is your friend.

After walking out of your English class that ended with you writing a 75-page report, you better believe that Rate My Professor was used for every semester after.


If we could all go back and do a few things differently, I’m sure we would. As for now, all we can do and look at our mistakes and learn from ther

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Grace Masching

Illinois State