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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

That special, magical time of the year has come…and no, I don’t mean Christmas. Fall is finally here! The days of hideous unintentional tan lines and sweating from those crazy hot days walking across the quad are now over. Gone are the days of shorts and crop tops; now it’s time for oversized sweaters, messy buns and seasonal socks! While going on dates in the summer is fun, I favor dates in the fall/winter much more. I think we can all agree that everything is so much more romantic when it’s colder out. Here are my top 5 date night ideas for the fall:

1. Going to a pumpkin patch

I think people my age underestimate how fun going to those things are, especially if hay rides are involved! Take some pumpkins home to carve with your crush/boyfriend for a fun way to bring your inner child out (and an Instagram opportunity).

2. Hay/carriage rides

Hay rides are honestly only romantic if it’s just you and your significant other, but it can still be romantic depending on who’s on the hay ride with you. Carriage rides are also a cute date idea for this time of year, especially when it starts to snow. I’m sure you all remember the carriage ride scene in “The Santa Claus 2” when Scott aka Santa made it snow over the carriage ride that him and future Mrs. Claus went on. Adorable!

3. Football games

This one is for my sporty girls! Football games make great dates. There’s just something about going to football games with a significant other that makes everything so much better, whether you’re cheering on your favorite team together or holding hands in the stands. Either way, everyone knows how crazy and exciting football games are!

4. Going to the movies

Now this is a classic, because this can be done at any time during the year. However, in the fall going to the movies are extra special since you can get all bundled up. Some movie theatres even have a dine-in option, so grab some comfort food and enjoy your movie all warm and cozy.

5. Movie night at home

Now this is a very simple yet extremely adorable idea. Bundle yourself up in some warm clothes (or even just a really oversized sweater and some long socks), invite your significant other over (unless you live with them already, which is a mega bonus) and turn on some holiday movies! Fall seems like the perfect time to merge on over into the Halloween spirit or even the Christmas spirit considering what time of the year it is. This one is my personal favorite (maybe because I’m a homebody)!



In the right setting, falling in love can be even more romantic in the fall. Whether you’re dating or crushing on someone, try out one of these simple yet fun dates for a great way to bond with your boy and get into the fall spirit!

20 year old wanna be beauty and fashion blogger trying to make it through my first year at a University as a Junior.
Contributor account for Illinois State