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Vivian Lee ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

This week, our Campus Celebrity is one of Harvard’s most fabulous fashionistas, Vivian Lee! I might be a little biased because we’re sorority sisters, but Vivian is an excellent example of a Harvard woman whose hard work and dedication produces fantastic results. Read on to find out more about this amazing senior and her role at the helm of this year’s production of Eleganza!

First, the basics: your House, your concentration, and what you like to do in your free time!

I’m a senior in Quincy concentrating in psychology, and I’m originally from a small town called Tappan right outside of Manhattan. Among other things I am an amateur fashionista, second-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and a self-proclaimed foodie. At any given moment you can find me online shopping, channeling my inner Beyoncé, watching Scandal or planning Eleganza. Next year, I’ll be in Seattle doing marketing at Microsoft!

What are some extracurricular activities you’re involved with on campus?

My main extracurricular activity this year is executive producing Eleganza, a highly anticipated on-campus extravaganza combining fashion, music, dance, and charity, and it has definitely taken over my life this year. I’m also executive producing a new Harvard-based web series called “Ivy,” volunteering as a big sister as part of the Big Sister Association of Greater Boston, and enjoying the sisterhood of Delta Gamma Women’s Fraternity. In the past I’ve been involved with Asian American Women’s Association, Harvard College Law Society, and the Vestis Council.

Tell us a little more about your role as executive producer for Eleganza!

As executive producer I’m basically responsible for making the show happen along with my co-producer Kelly Ren (class of 2015), our hardworking board, and our talented models. Of the many things that need to be taken care of in order for the show to happen, I’m primarily in charge of making sure our fashion team procures clothing for the show, overseeing all publicity efforts, and working with our scene directors to make their creative visions come to life on the runway. It’s a huge variety of tasks, but that’s the beauty of producing!

Can you give us any hints about what we’ll see in this year’s production?

While I can’t give away this year’s theme (you’ll have to come to the show to find out!), I can tell you that this year’s show will have a little extra fierceness, sass, and scandal. 2014 marks Eleganza’s 20th anniversary so you can bet that we’re bringing our A game on Saturday, April 26th at Lavietes! Based on my observations at rehearsals, I think this year’s storyline and choreography will blow everyone away.

What’s an important lesson you’ve taken away from your work on the show this year?

I think the most important lesson I’ve learned through Eleganza is one that most student leaders at Harvard experience. Through producing this incredible show, I have come to the conclusion that Harvard students are literally capable of anything they can possibly dream of. The production level of this show is out of this world, and it’s all put together by a team of  undergraduates who are swamped with about a million other things to do. Anything is possible when you put Harvard undergraduates together with some encouragement in the form of Beyoncé remixes and the prospect of an incredibly successful event.

What has been the biggest challenge in planning Eleganza? What has been the most rewarding part of your experience?

One of the most simultaneously wonderful and difficult aspects has been working with my peers in professional settings. I dearly love all of the board members and models as friends, but it’s also important for us to realize that we’re on a schedule and that we can’t just laugh and look at BuzzFeed for hours. Striking the balance between friendship and professionalism can be hard, and planning Eleganza has definitely forced me to work on that.

The most rewarding part is knowing that everyone is so dedicated to making this show happen that the show will end up being incredible come April. Everything comes together at rehearsals because of how much our models love this show, and all of our board members’ efforts show results because of how much love they put into their projects. Basically, it is an amazing experience to see such a diverse group of peers come together to form a family through their mutual love for fashion, performance, charity, etc.