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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Meet our cricket-champ, computer science-pro cutie of the week, Vik Jayaram! 


Let’s start with the basics…

Name: Vivek (Vik) Jayaram

House: Quincy

Year: 2017

Concentration: Computer Science

Plot twist: If you weren’t concentrating in Computer Science, what would you want to concentrate in and why?

If I weren’t concentrating in Computer Science I would most likely study Music. I play six instruments decently well and took introductory music theory and absolutely loved it.

Hometown: Pullman, WA

Sell your hometown to us. What’s the best part? What do you miss most?

Between the rolling wheat fields and the rambunctious frat parties, what’s not to like about Pullman? It’s home to Washington State University, a lively state school that knows how to have a good time. In addition watching the clear night sky and seeing millions of stars is something I definitely miss in Cambridge.

Tell us about your extracurriculars on campus!

What’s your favorite and why?

I am the vice captain of the Cricket Team which finished third in the nation this year, but my most favorite extracurricular has to Harvard Mirch. Mirch is an acapella group that blends South Asian Bollywood music with contemporary english songs. I am a co-founder, music director and singing with the group is a blast.

Tell us more about Mirch. Do you have any events coming up?

We actually just had our winter concert which was a huge success. As a relatively new acapella group we are still trying to build up our reputation but we have made huge progress in the last couple years.

Weigh in on your college experience for us.

At any given moment, where are you most likely to be found on campus?

I am a fan of being outdoors, I don’t think people spend enough time in the fresh air and sun. There are these nice chairs outside quincy that I sit and work on frequently, although now that the weather has taken a turn for the worse I am usually in my room.

What’s on your Harvard bucket list?

I feel like every Harvard CS student dreams of starting a billion dollar company and dropping out. I have a company but the rest remains to be determined. Up until then maybe finishing off the famous Big 3 things to do or taking a class with a super famous professor.

Do you have any advice for the class of 2019 (!) or current students?

Don’t stress too much (unless you’re a pre-med). Everything will turn out fine, take time to relax and realize that you have the rest of your life to work all day. The fact that you’re at Harvard means that you’ll do fine.

If you could fit one more thing into your schedule, what would it be and why?

I really should be doing some pre-professional/networking clubs but I figure I’ll have plenty of time for that later and should do clubs I enjoy right now.

Now, just for fun:

Do you have any weird talents?

I can play the accordian. I can also juggle 4 balls and do tricks.

What’s in your backpack right now?

Besides the usual laptop and headphones I have a Secret Santa gift for the acapella group. It’s a calendar where all the pictures are me photoshopped in ridiculous ways (for example my face on the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vik-ci).

If you had a completely free Saturday (#asif), how would you spend it?

Probably wake up late, watch some college football (if It’s fall), play some basketball, work on a new music remix or DJ set.

What’s the title of your future memoir?

Maybe “All about Vik”? or “Sweet Sweet Vik-tory”

Thanks for chatting with us, Vik!

Product Management Intern at Her Campus
harvard contributor