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How’s Your Luck in the Year of the Monkey?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Maybe you’ve seen it in Starbucks right before ordering that grande skinny soy upside down double whip caramel macchiato—a golden monkey, swinging happily on the white background of the gift card. Maybe you’ve picked it up, tilted your head, wondered what exactly this was all about. Then you saw the words. “Year of the Monkey.”

        Right. So what does it all mean?

        February 8th of this year marked Chinese New Year, the entrance into the year of the monkey. In Chinese culture, each year is represented by an animal from the twelve animals of the zodiac, and every twelve years, the cycle begins again. Brownie points if you can list the animals in order! Stumped? Well here they go: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Anybody born this year will have been born into the year of the monkey.  

        So as we bid goodbye to the year past and welcome the new, we ask all sorts of questions—this year…how is my luck? Will I make money? Should I drop out and move to Silicon Valley? Will I (finally) get a boyfriend?

        Fear not! The zodiac guru is here to help! Instead of listening to magazine horoscopes for your Aquarius sign, check out how your luck is this year based on the Chinese zodiac’s forecasts!


Your animal is based on birth year, where n is any integer (sorry if you hate math):


Rat (1996 ±12•n years): The rat and the monkey are considered okay friends, so this year should treat you pretty well. In terms of career, things aren’t looking too shabby, but chances aren’t just going to knock on your door; it’s vital that you actively seek out opportunities and people. The wealth outlook for you this year is also not too bad, and real estate investment is recommended. On the matters of looooove, (and Valentine’s day is just around the corner), this is a great year for you to take some chances with your relationships, or even to allow yourself be set up. Finally, this year will leave you busy busy busy, so be sure to take care of yourself and stay healthy!


        Ox (1997±12•n years): Oxen, Carpe diem! It’s your time to shine! Pick up your ambitions, and accept the challenge. The wealth outlook is pretty good, but unlike the rat’s, will require your diligence and intelligence. You have to work hard to make that extra bit of wealth. Love will be kind of passive this year, so the time is not prime to actively seek out partners—let them come to you instead. Stay happy this year, and make sure to get plenty of exercise!


        Tiger (1998±12•n years): Tigers and monkeys are sworn enemies. They are the definition of arch nemesis in the Chinese zodiac. So this year, fortune isn’t exactly going to favor you if you were born in the year of the tiger. (But don’t worry, the monkeys won’t have their way either next time the year belongs to you!) Take fewer risks, whether it’s in terms of finance or careers or love, and avoid drastic change. Your relationships will experience some strain, so this is the time for you to play your cards wisely and carefully. But don’t worry! All will come to pass, and you will become even stronger than before!


        Rabbit (1999±12•n years): The outlook is great for the rabbit. From career to wealth, the pieces are falling into place. People will come to you this year, and opportunities will follow your reputation for integrity. Regardless, that should not stop you from taking action despite others coming to you. In terms of love, cupid is with you! It might be the time to find that significant other, or to think about the next steps if you have one already. Also, be mindful of accidents this year.


        Dragon (2000±12•n years): This is your year of management and delegation, so do not be afraid to share your workload with others. This will actually make you stand out even more. Wealth favors you this year as well, and there will be unexpected incomes, and it could be time to re-manage those financial files and investments. The love outlook is quite amicable as well. If interested in a relationship, try going to more social activities: chances are, a special somebody will be there, waiting. Those already in a relationship are likely to get closer over the course of the year.


        Snake (2001±12•n years): There’ll be some turmoil and obstacles in your career, but nothing that determination and hard work cannot solve. However, you will find the rewards very satisfying once you’ve worked through all the problems. As for wealth, you won’t be getting hit in the head with gold bars like the dragon, but you should see some stable increase. Hey, slow and steady wins the race, right? The year of the monkey also holds lots of relationship opportunities for you, so be sure to snag the chance if you see one!


        Horse (1990±12•n years): Things might get a little tougher for you this year, mainly because your workload will go up, and responsibility might increase. Maybe you’re studying for the MCAT or you’re suddenly the president of some club! The extra workload is definitely worth it! The wealth outlook is good for you as well this year, especially in foreign places. Maybe a job away from home is exactly what you needed… And as for romance, you’ll need to work a little harder this year. Nobody’s going to come to you, so you have to be more active and seek others out, if that’s what you have in mind.


        Ram (1991±12•n years): It’s time to step up the game! Good things are in the future, but you will need to gain as much knowledge and experience and possible so that you don’t miss the incredible opportunities around the corner. Wealth is sort of indifferent to you this year, but expanding your social circles and interacting more with others might bring you a little extra wealth. Those in a relationship this year need be more mindful of their significant other, and pay more attention to their words and actions—your relationship could easily become strained, and it will require a lot of self control for you to ensure its success.


        Monkey (1992±12•n years): You might think that the year of the monkey would be kind to monkeys. Ha! Nope! It’s actually considered to be unlucky—there’s almost a sort of jinxy undercurrent for you in this year. Your career status likely won’t change, despite your hard work. And finding a job might be difficult. There are a ton of competitors for you this year, and you might have a hard time fending all of them off. The same goes for wealth: the prospects aren’t friendly, so don’t be lured into high return portfolios, and lend money with caution. In the love department, you’ll also meet a lot of those aforementioned competitors, so proceed with politeness and control. You might find yourself often having different opinions than your significant other, but with some attention, you will be able to sort things out.


         Rooster (1993±12•n years): You will need to work harder and spend more time this year in your job to keep up, but chances are that everything will be fine as long as you take things seriously and maintain quality of work. Money luck is also not in the forecast for you this year, so play it safe. Don’t take too many risks with your money. It might be better to save than to spend. This year, you might be feeling pressure from your significant other, or feel that they are too domineering. The next steps are up to you.


        Dog (1994±12•n years): The outlook of this year is stable. Your career, wealth and love life should all be developing nicely—neither too quickly, nor too slowly. This is the year that you can look out for partners, whether it’s to assist you with work, or to share a part of your life, you can trust in the monkey to bring you good luck.


        Pig (1995±12•n years): Your job is likely to seem much easier than before, and your education and experiences will become invaluable tools for your journey this year. Stay humble, and stay conservative with your wealth, and you should see steady growth and good money luck. This also might be the year for you to work a little harder at love, and plan more with your significant other. If you are single, consider attending more social events: the likelihood is, you will feel a lot of attraction.


        Whether the projected outlook for you is great or kind of shabby, a new year is a new year! It’s time to keep our happy memories intact, and look forward to a promising new year. It’s time to appreciate our families and friends, and a time to achieve our newest goals.


Happy year of the monkey!

Amy Zhao

Harvard '18

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