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Caffeination Celebration

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

You. missed. it.

National Coffee Day was this past Tuesday, September 29th and unfortunately you, you poor, poor soul, missed it. I pity you, really. How unequivocally tragic that must be.


Coffee is everything. It is life. It is love.

It’s a magical potion that hugs you whenever you need it. It welcomes you and loves you unconditionally. It gives you a high-five in the morning; it’s an encouraging thumbs up in a cup. It truly loves you in sweatpants, hair up, chillin’ with no makeup on (and pset grinding). Coffee is your bf/gf/study-buddy/personal-cheerleader/drug-dealer/best-friend.


And you missed the opportunity to celebrate it and all it’s greatness. Relationships are a two-way street, dude. You really need to work on your reciprocation, because right now coffee is giving you more love than you are giving it.

If you want to know how I spent last Tuesday, I spent it appropriately loving coffee back. Here’s some proof of just how much I celebrated National Coffee Day, my favorite of all the holidays–so dear to my heart.


(Warning: This content may be upsetting to some of you addicts out there who missed out on the greatest national holiday in existence)

Coffee 1

6:45 am, The Morning Shift Companion

Coffee 2

9:00 am, NCD Celebratory Breakfast with the Roommates

Coffee 3

11:30 am, The Best Friend, hi-I-brought-you-coffee-bc-I-love-you Class Delivery

Coffee 4

3:30pm, The I’m-late-for-practice-but-oh!-Dunkin! Pick Up

Coffee 5

8:00pm, The Late Night Grind Tool

It’s not an addiction, it’s a lifestyle choice.

harvard contributor