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What’s Happening Black America

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

With so much news at our disposal sometimes it can be a bit too much to sort through all that information. Other times the stuff you really care about is burried so far under the mainstream political agenda that you might miss it all together. I’m assuming your care for the African American community is what brought you here so, here you go!

Trevor Noah Gracefully Drags Tomi Lahren

During a visit to the Daily Show on Wednesday, the stage was set ablaze as conservative Tomi Lahren sat with host Trevor Noah. Lahren has spoken against the Black Lives Matter movement, called Beyoncé out for her halftime performance and is an avid Trump supporter. The show began with one simple question, “Why are you so angry?” to which Lahren replied, “I’m not that angry sometimes people just need to be called out on their sh*t.” From that point on the two went head to head in a debate from clearly opposite ends of the political spectrum. Noah made us all proud with his calm, cooled, and collected humorous rebuttals to the conservative’s remarks.

No Charges for Officer Keith Lamont Scott Killing

Earlier in the year we heard the same tune sung again: another black man shot, and today we’re singing an even older tune, no charges. September 20, 2016 Keith Lamont Scott was shot in killed by police in Charlotte, North Carolina. The officer arrived on the scene in pursuit of an unrelated man with a warrant but claims Scott had a hand gun and would not comply. Scott’s wife was present and disputed this claim.  November 30, 2016, nearly two months later and it was announced that the officer who killed Scott will not be facing charges.

Obama Sits at The Peak of His Approval Ratings

Obama will truly be missed and we’ve got the numbers to prove it. His approval rating is currently the highest they have ever been since his 2012 reelection, where he defeated former governor Mitt Romney in both the electoral college and popular vote. According to CBS News, 50 percent of those surveyed in the recent Quinnipiac poll approve President Obama compared with 43 percent disapproving.

Outrage about Mass Circumcision Campaign in Africa

Okay so this isn’t technically in America but, knowing what’s going on with our brothers and sisters around the world is important. December 1, 2016 was World AIDS Day and Africans spoke up about what is going on. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Health Organization and more have circumcised 12 million Africans to slow down the spread of HIV/AIDS.  Cameras were sent to Kenya and Uganda to record the effects of this Mass Circumcision Program in which some call misleading. Local investigators conducted interviews with 90 different affected men and Women. The findings are atrocious and should be a call to action:

  1. Africans are told circumcision conveys immunity from HIV/AIDS.

  2. Condom use is at an all-time low and AIDS is on the rise.

  3. No follow-up (cut and release approach)

  4. The program is killing the very people it was supposed to help.

To learn more about the campaign click here.

Thanks for reading and be on the lookout for more Black America Updates!

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