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What Trump’s Presidency Really Means

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

As women it is important for us to know and understand our rights. With Donald Trump being in office, things are about to drastically change for us. Policies on abortion, domestic violence, and defunding of programs are about to change. Her Campus is here to give you a list of Trump policies for Dummies because we understand how confusing it can get.


Trump plans to cut funding from programs helping women from domestic violence.

One of the Trump administration’s first plan is to cut the funding for major programs that protect women from domestic violence situations. These programs may seem small but they are crucial to helping women get their lives back after surviving domestic violence. Theses are programs for women who are victim of sexual assault, stalking, and more. By Trump defunding these programs legal assistance, housing, support, and other resources will be taken away from women affected. This is a clear attack on women and it is sad that Trump is doing this. To get more information about this check out http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/01/donald-trump-end-violence-against-women-grants.


Trumps “Global Gag Rule”

Trump is trying to put “the global gag rule” in place. This is a law that defunds non-government organizations if they so much as mention abortion as an option to pregnant women. This is a major problem because this rule withholds USAid funding from oversea family planning organization that provides information about abortions. This is basically putting a gag order on speaking about abortion. With that being said, if you simply want to receive info about abortions – that cannot happen. Visit http://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2017/01/25/trump-is-hell-bent-on-punishing-women-with-yuge-global-gag-rule/#42a64e7750ab to read more about this gag rule.


Trump defunding of Planned Parenthood

Abortions provided by Planned Parenthood will be no longer under Trumps guidelines. Planned Parenthood offers services such as contraception and abortion. Most abortions are done at places such as Planned Parenthood due to the affordability. With this happening, abortions will be to costly for anyone to realistically afford. This will prone people to receive illegal abortions which is extremely unhealthy. Visit http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/promise/1357/defund-planned-parenthood/ to read how Planned Parenthood will be affected by defunding.


Trump’s hiring freeze for federal government

Trump recently ordered a an employment freeze for the federal government in all aspects. This means as of right now there will no longer be any hiring for all new and existing positions with the exception of national security, public safety, and military. For the public, this means there will be longer lines at the social security office as well as a risk to our nation’s food supply and clean water systems. This is very serious because our health is being put at stake. For people seeking employment, this means they will have to look else where for a job they could’ve had.


With that, be informed of what’s to come. You can search your rights online or wherever you can find them, as long as you have knowledge on what’s happening. I urge you to visit the sites listed above. These are policies that can change your life and it’s crucial for you to be informed on them.