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What I’ve Learned as a Freshman at Hamilton College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.
Keep an open mind:
As you finally get into a routine, whether it is with friends, classes, activities, or even the 
places you go on campus, it becomes easy to do the same thing every day. Although this 
regularity may seem great compared to the uncertainty of the beginning of freshman year, 
things are bound to change at some point, and keeping an open mind will allow you to 
embrace change. 
Be involved in many different activities:
People who have the best experiences here are involved in sports and clubs that interest 
them personally, regardless of whether or not all of their other friends participate. By being 
involved in many areas that interest you, you will always have different friends to go to and 
you will feel like an active member of the Hamilton community. 
It is okay to say no:
With the hundreds of clubs and sports that Hamilton offers, it is important not to spread 
yourself too thin. If you don’t think you’ll have the time or energy to put into an activity, 
take a break. Similarly, you don’t need to go out with your friends every night. You will not 
miss out on anything. Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to stay in and get 
a good night’s sleep. 
Have someone you can call and talk to from home:
Whether it be a parent, sibling, or friend, taking time to talk to someone from home will 
help with homesickness and can be a nice break from the hectic pace of Hamilton. 
Explore the campus and area:
Especially in the warmer weather, find new spots to hang out around campus. A change in 
scenery will help make the campus feel a little bigger.
Know how to de-stress:
During busy work weeks it is easy for stress to build out of control. Know what works for 
you in terms of de-stressing. For some people, this may mean taking a walk, doing yoga, 
calling a friend, or getting sleep. For others, having a fun night out with friends might do the 
trick. Learn what makes you feel more relaxed and be sure to fit in time for it, even if it just 
means a quick break.
Laura is a sophomore at Hamilton College in the class of '17. She is Comparative Literature Major, who will be going abroad to Paris for her junior year. She is an avid baker and jewelry maker.