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Her Campus Celebrity: Natalie Klingher

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

Her Campus Celebrity: Natalie Klingher


Name:  Natalie Klingher

Class Year: 2018

Major: Psychology and possibly Economics


What activities are you involved with on campus?

I am the director of publicity for Student Assembly. I also lifeguard at the pool and teach swim lessons. I volunteer for America Reads and Clinton Middle School tutoring. 


What is Student Assembly?

Student Assembly oversees the funding of student organizations and events. Student Assembly also acts as a liaison between students, faculty, and the administration. We always seek to address student concerns at our weekly meetings and often host students and administrators as guest speakers in order to best address these concerns.


What is your role in Student Assembly?

I am the Director of Publicity. I try my best to keep students informed about what is happening in our meetings and the upcoming events we are hosting. I send out weekly emails and keep our social media sites up to date. I also edit the Student Assembly website, which is a great place to check out if you want more information about SA! In addition, I live-tweet every SA meeting and highly encourage everyone to check out my tweets. I try my best to keep them entertaining. I also am in charge of decorating the Student Assembly board outside of the diner; however, I have been slacking on that front. I hope to have it all set up by next week.


Why did you want to be involved with Student Assembly?

I wanted to be involved in SA because I wanted to get more involved on campus and have my voice be heard. I remember I was pretty angry that I had to pay $60 for a shuttle to the airport through Hamilton during Fall Break. I felt as though the school should be providing cheaper transportation for their students, especially over breaks. I voiced my opinion to a member of the Student Assembly and noticed on the minutes that my issues with transportation were discussed at the next meeting. I was very pleased to see the assembly addressing students opinions and making a change. Now Hamilton provides cheaper transportation for students. I applied to the position of Director of Publicity with hope to let more students know about this great outlet and the importance of this assembly on campus.



What are the most important topics that the Student Assembly is currently discussing?

In the last few meetings, we have spent a large amount of time discussing and voting on funding for clubs and groups on campus. We have distributed almost the entirety of our budget and the funding committee has spent countless hours ensuring that our money is used in the most responsible and valuable way. A very important topic we discussed at our last meeting was the infamous Jitney. Noelle Niznik informed us of the rude and appalling behavior of some students reported by the late night jitney ride-a-longs. If students don’t start to treat these hard working students with more respect, the late night Jitney will be suspended. We, as a community, should always treat each other with respect and compassion, and of course we don’t want the late-night jitney to be gone!



What advice do you have for First Years?

My main advice is to get involved on campus and try something new. I just went for it and applied. Luckily, I was selected for the position! I had never been a part of student government or in a publicity position before, but I have learned so much and feel much more connected to this school. Student Assembly is a great way to make your voice heard on campus and everyone should come to our meetings every Monday at 9pm in the Sadove Conference Room. Get involved and make the changes you want to see happen on campus!