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Girls Review: From Rags to Riches, But Only for a Day or Two

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

This bizarre episode of GIRLS starts off with an old, but hot, angry man storming into Grumpy’s.  The man complains to Ray that someone has been leaving Grumpy’s trash bags in his garbage can.  Ray, in a really pissy mood (as per usual), snaps at the man, yelling at him claiming that nobody from Grumpy’s has been doing such a thing.  After a heated argument, the irate man storms out and heads home.  Moments later, Hannah decides to follow the man to his home to apologize on Ray’s behalf.  He invites her in and it is only after he gives her a nice cool glass of lemonade that she finally admits to putting Grumpy’s trash in his garbage can.  The man, named Joshua, is forgiving of Hannah’s actions and she misinterprets his acceptance as a spark between them.  She proceeds to lean in for a kiss and he seems confused as fuck (as were we).  Much to our surprise, the man reciprocates the action and leans back in.  This quickly leads to some dirty sex on his kitchen counter.  The surprises don’t end here.  As it turns out, the man is 42 years old but that’s okay because Hannah is 24 and so that makes them “twins” right?   The two new lovebirds spend the next 48 hours together doing normal couple things such as playing naked ping pong, eating steak, and having raunchy sex.  How romantic!  After all the fun and games, Hannah decides to take a shower in Josh(ua)’s bathroom.  She faints.  Whoops.  Towards the end of Hannah’s overextended stay at Josh(ua)’s, she finds it appropriate to have a mental breakdown and express all of her feelings to him.  He listens politely as she goes on a rant about how she just wants to be happy.  She ends up leaving the next morning and that wraps up the WEIRDEST and most UNCOMFORTABLE episode of GIRLS ever.    

No Marnie, no Jessa, no Shoshanna?  What is going on?  Classic Lena Dunham/Hannah for making the entire episode about herself.  Not only was this episode strange, it was completely random and out of sequence.  There were so many story lines from the previous episode that we would have liked to see develop.  Hopefully the next episode satisfies us more than Josh(ua) satisfies Hannah. 

Talia Levine is a sophomore at Hamilton College. She is from Long Island, New York but recently moved to Brooklyn. Talia is a hispanic studies major and anticipates going abroad to Madrid next spring.
Emily Malter is a sophomore at Hamilton College majoring in Sociology and World Politics. Emily is from Westchester, New York.
Courtney is a sophomore at Hamilton College who is majoring Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Spanish. She enjoys tour guiding, writing, and living on the dark side.