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8 Things You Will Only Understand If You Have Sisters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

8 Things You Will Only Understand If You Have Sisters 

1. All of you are guilty of borrowing clothes from each other and then trying to put back whatever you took before they noticed it was missing. You probably even remembered how many hangers were to the left and right of the item you borrowed just so that every detail was accounted for.


2. You are very familiar with the every morning passive aggressive fight to be the first to the bathroom. You know if you get there first you can lock them out, but when you all get there at the same time and are forced to share, the tension is high. I distinctly remember sharing the bathroom one morning with my older sister as we both tried to brush our teeth. I accidentally ended up spitting out my toothpastey spit on my sister’s arm and she has never let me live it down. 


3. You know how horrible and blissful it can be when you are all synched up on your periods. That miserable week of moodiness and PMS has led to many irrationally angry fights. On the other hand, you always have people to join you in watching sappy movies that make you unapologetically emotional. In the end, it is nice having someone to suffer through it with you.


4. Sisters are the only people you can eat like shit in front of and not feel judged in the slightest. They are also the only people who fully understand how important it is that you find dessert every night, and I mean EVERY NIGHT.


5. The number of times you walked out of your room about to head out, only to realize you were all wearing the exact same outfit or were otherwise embarrassingly coordinated by accident. The fights usually began when you tried to determine who should have to change.


6. Sisters tell it to you straight. From social advice to fashion advice their candor never fails. Although, sisters always know when a little white lie will do more good than the truth. 


7. You have never fought with anyone else as aggressively as you have with your sisters. The mean things that have come out of your mouth! But by some miracle you always manage to resolve the issue and by the next day you wouldn’t even remember what caused the fight in the first place.


8. Even after all the fights, at the end of the day, they are your best friends and no one will ever be able to understand your craziness as fully as they do.