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Evan Yacker ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Evan Yacker, ‘13


Hoboken, NJ


Relationship status:
sorry HC’ers, this cutie is taken!

Involvement on campus:
Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, Club Baseball team

Favorite sport to watch:

Favorite sport to play:

One thing you couldn’t live without:
Cell phone and computer

Jamie is a recent graduate of the George Washington University where she majored in Political Communication and Journalism.  While in school, she interned at several magazines and online publications, wrote for Her Campus, and contributed to her university's newspaper, The Hatchet. Her work has been syndicated in The Huffington Post, USA Today College, and Reader's Digest. Jamie loves boy bands, anything with a little wit and sarcasm, and of course, diet coke. She is currently pursuing a career in magazine journalism in NYC. You can follow her on Twitter, @jamieblynn