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Meet Graduating Campus Cutie, Mykia Hurston ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Name: Mykia Hurston

Classification: Senior

Major: Biology major and Chemistry minor

Relationship status: In a relationship

Hometown: Atlanta, Ga

Instagram: @_mykiaisbetterthanyours



HC: Why Georgia State?

MH: Georgia State was close enough to my house to where I could watch my nephew grow up, but also far enough so that I was free to be independent.

HC: What is your major and is there a particular reason you chose this?

MH: I am a biology major and chemistry minor. I chose this field based off a relationship/mentorship I formed with my own high school biology and AP biology teacher. She inspired me!

HC: I know you’re about to graduate in a few weeks, how does it feel?

MH: With graduation only a few weeks ahead, I’m excited of course to FINALLY be done, but nervous of what the future holds. This accomplishment was not only for me but also for my entire family. They’re all so proud of me, so this moment is just as much as theirs as it is mine.

HC: How does your first day at GSU compare to your last few weeks?

MH: My first day at GSU was actually my 18th birthday so it was sort of a mini birthday present because I was so excited to be in college. Now compared to my first day, the end is bittersweet. I started this journey with so many people that either switched their major, switched schools, took other routes, etc. and as much as I would love to have them standing next me to me on December 14th, I have to accept that everyone’s journey is different and those that stray are not always lost. I definitely know it’s going to feel weird not having classes, assignments, and deadlines anymore.

HC: Who motivates you?

MH: My family most definitely! Everything I do, I do with them in mind. They believe in me more than I believe in myself. My friends have also pushed me through the trials of not only school but growing as a person.

HC: Name your favorite moment in your time here at Georgia State.

MH: My favorite moment at GSU had to be meeting my boyfriend Michael and best friend Vicki and creating memories with them. They have been such a blessing to my life and I wouldn’t know what to do without them.

HC: Is there anything that you wish you could have done differently?

MH: I wish that I would’ve gotten more involved with campus activities, but in the end I don’t regret working and focusing on school work. It’s not easy maintaining a steady job for 4 years while taking 16+ credit hours of biology and chemistry courses.


HC: What have you learned in your 4 years here?

MH: In this four years, I’ve learned more about myself if anything. This is where I developed from an insecure and immature girl, into a beautiful and confident young woman. I got my first job here working at the university bookstore and I have seen myself grow professionally. I went from a seasonal worker to a sales associate and now I’m a team lead (supervisor). My personal journey of losing myself and finding myself is one for the books!

HC: Who is your support system?

MH: God of course! My parents, my siblings, and my nephew who is like my son. My extended family, my friends and those that thought a girl from the hood couldn’t make more of herself fit into that as well.

HC: Any plans after graduation?

MH: After graduation I plan on going into the field of teaching either with Teach for America or some of the amazing programs offered in the school system. I hope to work strictly in low income areas so that I can help inspire those who need that extra push.  



Speed Questions

HC: Favorite TV show?

MH: How To Get Away With Murder

HC: Favorite restaurant?

MH: I actually don’t have one, I love to cook and experiment to see what I can come up with.

HC: One place in the world you would travel to right now if you could?

MH: Brazil

HC: If you were stranded on an island, what is the one item you must have?

MH: A knife

HC: Favorite song at the moment?

MH: Cranes in the Sky

HC: Dream job?

MH: Biology Teacher/Soccer Coach and/or Dance Teacher

Cydney Maria (Rhines) is a creative writer, journalist and photographer located in Atlanta, Ga. She is currently a student at Georgia State University studying journalism and english. She coins her brand as something curated beautifully for those who may not feel that beauty. Her main focus is mental health, social issues, digital design and of course the beauty of black girl magic. Her main goal is to constantly write creative content that fills a need. She is currently published accross multiple platforms and looks to continue her current level of work after she graduates from GSU. Check this creative out!
The GSU chapter of Her Campus