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5 Quotes Every College Girl Should Save for a Rainy Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for ways to improve “It.” And by “It,” I mean, everything: life, grades, work, relationships, my savings account balance, etc. But what I sometimes forget is to take time to appreciate all that I have been blessed to have. After all, I’m in my senior year of college (blessing), I have my health (blessing), and slowly but surely I’m on my way to wealth (blessing).

In the midst of my senior year, I, like many other college queens, goal getters and campus cuties, find myself constantly stressed over things that I want, but don’t yet have. Comparing myself to celebrities and pictures riddled with “#Goals” on social media, doubting what I have because of what they have, is a mistake that I admittedly sometimes make.

I have to remind myself that I’m only in my twenties, I’m on the right path, and that anything worth having won’t come easily. After all, what’s for me is already mine, all I have to do is continue working for it. It may not come today or next week, next month or even next year, but if I continue to seek success ultimately I will succeed.

Instead of using pictures like the one above to discourage you from the greatness you’ve already accomplished, use them to motivate you to stay on the path to greatness. You got it, girl!


1. “If it was easy, everyone would do it.”

Going to college isn’t for everyone. Long nights, busy days, professors’ needs before your own, but guess what? You’ve made it this far. College wasn’t made for the weak, and you ARE strong.


2. “If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, not the goal.”

Sometimes plans don’t go accordingly; actually, almost never do they go exactly as planned. Don’t fret if you see that your current plan isn’t going how you thought it would. Just rethink the plan, draft the necessary alternations, and make it work for the goal you are looking to achieve!


3. “When you feel like quitting think about why you started.”

We all get discouraged from time to time, but don’t forget why you started in the first place. No one ever promised it would be easy, but it’s up to you to get where you want to be.  If you quit now, what have you gained?


4. “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” – Bruce Lee

It can be easy to lose yourself trying to “find your place” in college; especially if you’re new to campus, but always remember to stay true to who you are. After all, out of the thousands of people on campus, you’re the only one that will ever be you. How uniquely awesome is that?!


5. “It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.” – Donna Karan

In college there will be chaos, trust me. Whether it’s group assignment confusion, homework overload, or just trying to balance your studies while keeping a social-life, stay focused on finding the calm within it all, and I promise you’ll be ok.


Hi! My name is Shanise and I'm a senior journalism student concentrated in public relations at Georgia State University. I currently own a Cheesecakery, yes Cheesecakery not Bakery, and hope to expand it upon graduation. In my spare time I enjoy traveling, thrill seeking (I've been skydiving!), teaching, and baking, of course.  My ultimate goal in life is to inspire and motivate others to reach their full potential!
The GSU chapter of Her Campus