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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Meet the beautiful and talented Annie Stanger! A sophomore at Gonzaga University, Annie has been an amazing leader through the GU community, especially in the music department, specifically GU Choirs.  With her beautiful voice and amazing talent in choir performance, Annie is a powerhouse in every performance, whether she is absolutely rocking her solo or supporting the rest of her choir family.  Annie is definitely a person you should get to know, along with upcoming events from GU choirs!

Annie and her father after a choir performance!


1. Age/Year: 20 years old; Sophomore

2. Hometown: Kirkland, WA

3. Major/Minor: Music Education

4. Favorite Quote: “I’m no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time just like everyone else.” ~ Tina Belcher 

5. Favorite Show: Friends

6. Dream Job: High School Choir Director

7. Insta: @anniestanger AND @guchoirs

8. Favorite pizza: Margherita

9. Favorite store: IKEA (mainly because of the food court) 

10. Favorite thing about GU: GU Choirs

11: Favorite thing about GU Choirs and what to look forward to: My favorite thing about GU Choirs is the closeness of our community.

On April 30th, 2017 at 3pm, Concert Choir is presenting our annual Masterworks concert at St. John’s Cathedral! It is free for all students and transportation is provided. We are singing some really beautiful music and I’m really looking forward to sharing it in concert!


Next time you see Annie’s welcoming heart or contagious smile around campus, make sure you say hi and ask about all of the amazing performances coming up from GU Choirs! Make sure to also follow @GUChoirs on Instagram.