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The Hamburger Emoji Debate that Virtually No One Knows About

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

Over the weekend, the “Blue or Gold?” dress got blown out of the water by a new and slightly less heated debate regarding Google’s Android emoji which depicts a hamburger. Upon closer inspection, the cheese can be seen placed beneath the hamburger and on top of the bun. Apple’s version of the burger, however, shows the cheese on top of the burger coolly placed below a thin slice of tomato.

The real question here is, who is right?

Once rumours started, words were obviously exchanged on Twitter as the hamburger debate became a hot-button topic. The debate brought in more parties, and paid closer attention to detail. Soon, the debate left the realm of only cheese.

New questions came into context…

“Where does the lettuce go?” “Where does the tomato go?” But Twitter had no answers. Surely not as heavy as the political climate or subject of natural disasters, this weekend’s debate with CNN coverage proves that not all news is bad news.

Kyra Pfeiffer

Gettysburg '21

Kyra is a future English major entering her freshman year at Gettysburg College, where she will participate in intramural sports and a variety of clubs. Originating from Taylor, Pennsylvania, Kyra is fond of small-town culture, as well as using pinky promises as a legitimate foundation of trust, and late night taco bell runs.