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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Who do you know on campus? I am introducing to you a new person that’s on our campus, Alexis Montano


Alexis Montano is a 20 year old Junior here at Georgia Southern University studying Marketing with a minor in Management. She chose this major because Marketing has a lot of opportunity in the business world. It is a tremendous part of any successful business.


Alexis is from South Fulton county residing in Fairburn, Ga. However she travels often being that she is Honduran and Mexican. The honduran comes from her mother and her dad is Mexican. She keeps family very close to her heart with one brother and a huge extended family. She even looks up to her dad because he has shown her that it doesn’t matter where you start in life, its what you do with your situation and how you choose to excel that matters.


Alexis is currently involved in a National Retail Federation student competition. The team she is on, The Georgia Southern Team, has qualified to be in the top three finalist. Alexis is super excited and proud of her team for all the hard work.


Alexis is a super positive person and loves to just chill with friends and her family. Her biggest aspiration in life is to enjoy it, no matter what she ends up doing. If you see her around campus definitely speak.



“Don’t exist.


Get out, explore.


Challenge authority. Challenge yourself.


Change forever…” –Brian Krans, A Constant Suicide

Elena Yeargan

Georgia Southern '18

E. GATA. Senior Education Major. President of the Georgia Southern Chapter "Lead with integrity."-Unknown
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.