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Don’t Study for Failure

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

As we all know finals week is finally among us. Be right back as I go cry myself into oblivion.


Well I feel like my problem with finals week is that I don’t know how to study, or that I didn’t know how to study until I actually started taking school serious.


This is advice number #1 TAKE CLASSES SERIOUSLY.

You must be serious about your classes in order to really be able to study them. Go to class, and actually participate. Ask questions, make connections, and meet with your professors.


#2  Attend a review session

Many professors hold study sessions, and if they don’t then definitely meet up with some of your classmates. I know you sat in the same spot the entire semester and I know you exchanged words with at least someone. Even if you didn’t, reach out to someone new. This is your grade we’re talking about. Don’t let your pride get in the way.


#3  Start Early

Don’t wait until the night before or the day of to study for your final. Start EARLY. This way your brain has a chance to retain information and you can also have time to look over the information multiple times. When you start early you have time to make and practice note cards, or other methods that may benefit you, even if it’s rewriting your notes. Starting early can also help you avoid the library during the finals week war zone.


#4 Take breaks

I understand you will be cramming for tests, but take breaks. Don’t study so hard to where you are going in and out of sleep, drooling over everything.



Please make sure you get a good night’s rest. When you don’t get enough sleep your brain doesn’t function properly. This is important to remember because when it does not function properly, all that studying was for nothing. Also when you are well rested you are more likely to get up on time for your final and maybe even grab a coffee.


#6 Eat

Everyone will tell you to eat healthy, and yes health is important but some people just forget to eat period. You must EAT. when you eat don’t over eat, eat just enough and in plenty of time before your final so you do not get the “Itis” during the test


#7 Stay positive

You must have the mindset of success. Going into a test thinking of failure with result in failure. You know this stuff, so take your time and prove you know it.



“May the odds be ever in your favor.” – Hunger Games


Elena Yeargan

Georgia Southern '18

E. GATA. Senior Education Major. President of the Georgia Southern Chapter "Lead with integrity."-Unknown
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.