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10 Things I Learned In My First Month at Georgetown

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

1) The Lau 2 bathroom on the left-hand side is the men’s, not the women’s.

2) The Corp coffee shops don’t share the same vocab as Starbucks and thereby won’t understand what you mean when you order a ‘skinny vanilla latte’.

3) The stairs by Harbin are slippery when wet. I repeat: very slippery.

4) No matter what voice plan you’re on, you will surely go over your minutes thanks to the many conversations with your family and friends back home.

5) Contrary to popular belief, the laundry room on Fridays is hoppin’.

6) Uber drivers have a terrible sense of direction. Gather a basic idea of how to get to your destination before they pick you up.

7) You will trip while walking on one of the brick paths. You will do this frequently. Everyone will see it. It’s really not a big deal. It happens to all of us. At least that’s what I like to tell myself.

8) Vital Vittles probably doesn’t have your coffee creamer in-stock. Thankfully, Safeway and CVS do.

9) Staying friends with some of the people in your NSO group is definitely a thing.

10) It doesn’t even take a full month for Georgetown to feel like home. Hoya Saxa!