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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

The good ‘ole Ice Bucket Challenge of 2014 was cemented as a full blown trend when the editor of Vogue, Anna Wintour, participated in it. Currently, the latest trend of 2015 has become official now that Kim Kardashian, known for her long and luscious extensions locks, has chosen to cut off some major inches. Much like “The Rachel” and the ever popular Victoria Beckham asymmetrical bob, we are witnessing a huge hair trend. Sure, short hair in and of itself is not something to alert every tabloid magazine about, but when so many people seem to be doing it, it’s time to take notice. From Lauren Conrad to that girl in your friend group who has had the same hairstyle since 10th grade, everyone and their mother is choosing to chop off their hair.  Obviously, there’s something in the water. This writer has sported short hair for five years and has been trying to grow it out (AKA mercilessly taking biotin and attempting Pinterest hair masks) for the last two of those, so I won’t be taking a plunge into this major trend (such horrible timing). But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t! Just think: WWKD (What would Kim do?). And if she is rocking short hair, you should consider it too. 

Lover of iced coffee and all things cheetah print. Just a city girl living in a small town college world.