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Cutest of Cuties: Savannah Stout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Meet Savannah Stout, possibly the cutest of all cuties. This summer she was a Camp Counselor for Centri-kid and has a passion for sharing the love of Christ, among many other things. Here’s a little bit about her:


Name: Savannah Stout

Age: 20 years old

Year: Junior

Hometown: Senoia, GA

Major: Mass Communications

Relationship Status: Recently taken (sorry, boys)

Campus Involvement: Mainly Wesley Foundation and Kappa Delta Sorority.



Book: Crazy Love (great devotional, if you’re looking for one!)

Movie: Forrest Gump

Candy: Twizzler Cherry Peelers (mine too, Sav)

Memory at GCSU: Sledding down the pit on the snowpocolypse (who’s isn’t)

Vacay Spot: South Carolina Coast

Favorite Social Media App: Instagram

Favorite Hobbies: Music and going on adventures 



What do you want to do when you “grow up”?

“I want to work for a non-profit, preferably a ministry of some type, and travel doing communications services for them. Mostly, I just want to share the good news of Jesus with people!”

What’s your favorite thing to do in good ol’ Milly?

“Going on adventures to the chalk mines!”

What are your hopes for this semester?

I hope to get more involved inside of my major and get some real world experience.”

If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?

“Ariel, because I really would love to be a mermaid and she is always on some type of adventure!!” (You definitely look the part already!)

What are the top three items on your bucket list?

3) Swim with dolphins

2) Sing at the Grand Ol’ Opry

1) Travel the world

How is Junior year different from Freshman and Sophomore year? 

“Junior year is exciting because you are finally in classes that you enjoy, but it is also terrifying because you realize you have to figure out what you want to do with your life! That is something I am still trying to figure out myself!”

Thanks Sav! Don’t worry though, I’m a Senior and still have no idea what I want to do with my life or what direction I want to take! 

Hi Her Campus readers! I'm a Senior Mass Communications major, Netflix fanatic and everything caramel-based lover. You can always find me hanging out with my friends, watching Grey's Anatomy, eating Barberitos or doing all three at the same time! I'm Social Media/Public Relations chair for both Her Campus and CURE GC and love to support other organizations on campus that I have a passion for. I hope one day to go on a mission trip before my "big girl life" starts and then either do Public Relations for an amazing company close to my heart, like Her Campus or CURE, or open a clothing store of my own and donate a cut of the profits to different charitites each month. However for now, I'm going to take it day-by-day and enjoy what's left of my college career! XO, Katelyn.