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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

We as women need someone to pick us up on the daily and tell us to believe in ourselves. Most of the time that person is us, but what if it were different. What if everyone saw how amazing each and everyone of us was and took it upon themselves to lift our spirits. Well, it turns out that there are other women like that and they are encouraging us through the beautiful voices they have in music. A while ago I complied a playlist on Spotify about empowering women. The title of the playlist, Confident and Hype Women, has several songs about embracing independence, loving the fact that you are a woman and picking yourself from a place where you don’t want to be anymore. I often listen to it in the mornings, or when I need a little boost, and I thought I would share it with the lovely individuals of GCSU Her Campus. 

Check out the playlist below: 

Mariah is a senior psychology major, who has aspirations to work in the library science field. She enjoys listening to music and making playlists, playing board games, and crafting. She enjoys writing for Her Campus because it gives her the chance to share unconventional articles that would otherwise not be published, while at the same time promoting female empowerment.