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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Meet Brittany! She is the perfect example of a Georgia College student: overachieving, involved and she excels at everything she does.

Full Name: Brittany Wilson

Hometown: Loganville, GA

Year: First Semester Senior

Major: Mass Communications

Relationship Status: Happily Taken

Campus Activities: Alpha Omicron Pi, CURE, PRSSA, Campus Outreach, and WGUR

1. What do you hope to do with your major after you graduate?    

     “I aspire to work in the Public Relations field. You can go many different directions with PR and there are endless positions that I would love to take on with it. Ultimately, I want to work with a non-profit organization or a foreign missions project.”

2. What leadership positions do you hold on campus?

    “I am the recruitment chair for Alpha Omicron Pi, as well as the PR chair for CURE.”

3. Why did you choose Georgia College?

    “Georgia College is 100% my ideal school. I have always desired to go here. Growing up, I visited the area often when my family took trips to my Papa’s lake house on Lake Sinclair. It has always felt like home to me, and the beautiful atmosphere and my many friends are the icing on the cake.”

4. How do you think all of the organizations that you are involved in are going to help you after you graduate?

    “I feel that the leardership positions I hold are teaching me how to use the skills I am acquiring every day in class. I am planning full-on events, coming up with ways to get my audience excited for them and executing public relations strategies. My ideas have become a reality, and I have been leading and delegating tasks in order for our organization to succeed. Teamwork is crucial in these processes, and will absolutely be a necessary concept throughout my future career. The experience I am gaining through these leadership positions are priceless and are no-doubt preparing me for bigger things.”


Hi Her Campus readers! I'm a Senior Mass Communications major, Netflix fanatic and everything caramel-based lover. You can always find me hanging out with my friends, watching Grey's Anatomy, eating Barberitos or doing all three at the same time! I'm Social Media/Public Relations chair for both Her Campus and CURE GC and love to support other organizations on campus that I have a passion for. I hope one day to go on a mission trip before my "big girl life" starts and then either do Public Relations for an amazing company close to my heart, like Her Campus or CURE, or open a clothing store of my own and donate a cut of the profits to different charitites each month. However for now, I'm going to take it day-by-day and enjoy what's left of my college career! XO, Katelyn.