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20 Reasons To Be Excited For Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

Fall is my favorite season of the year because of the cool weather that comes with it. But there are 19 other reasons to be excited about fall! Fall doesn’t offically start until September 22, but who’s to say we can’t start the celebration early? Procrastinate on your studies just a little bit longer to read these 20 reasons to be excited about fall. 


Changing leaves

The leaves changing is one of the first signs of fall, and by far the most beautiful sign nature gives us. These leaves turn shades of orange, red, and yellow to tell us that fall is near. I love to watch the progression of the leaves changing in my back yard, don’t you? 


Leaf piles

Of course you can’t enjoy the changing of the leaves without expecting the inevitable! Jumping into leaf piles has been a tradition in my family for years. Of course, you see all your hard work go to ruin, but it releases the inner kid in you that gets a thrill from jumping into the freshly piles leaves. Go ahead, be a kid again. You won’t regret it.



So you may be in college, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the back to school craze! Buying new notebooks and pens and that day planner you’ve had your eye on just makes going back to school that much more fun. And whose to say shopping has to be limited to school supplies? You’ve got a whole new year to buy a brand new wardrobe for. Kick those end-of-summer blues and join in on the fall freenzy at the mall!


Season premiers

Not only do you get a new wardrobe, but all your favorite T.V. shows come back for a whole new season! If that’s not something to be excited about, then you’re watching all the wrong shows. Now could be a great time to get sucked into a whole new T.V. show that might last you until next fall when the next season airs. 


Pumpkin. Spice. Lattes.

You haven’t experienced fall until you drink Starbucks’s pumpkin spice latte. This year, Starbucks is celebrating their 10th anniversary of the pumpkin spice latte. Don’t have time to run to Starbucks? Not a problem! Have your coffee at home with your own pumpkin spice creamer, available at your local grocery store. This is a must-have for kick-starting fall.


Favorite fall-wear

Ladies, it’s time to dust off your boxes labeled “winter clothes” and pull out those favorite sweaters and boots. Fall weather is the perfect time to strut your stuff in your hipster sweaters and your totally fab boots. These trends will disappear when the weather turns warm, so step in your spotlight and work it ’cause you got it, honey!


Say goodbye to humidity

Say hello to the wonderful world of fall. In this world, there is no such thing as humidity and there is a gentle breeze that works to cool off the afternoons. All those days of summer where it was unbearable to go outside without needing an extra shower are behind us. While the temperature continues to drop slowly, removing the unbearable heat, we are free to explore nature as fall sets in and experience this happy new world of fall.


Apple picking season

Apple picking season has already begun! Some orchards may start a little later depending on which type of apples you want, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the fruits of picking your own apples. This could be a great family activity, or a way to bond with new roommates. Either way, you should find an apple farm near you to enjoy the fun!


Hot apple cider

Why not end your apple-picking day with some hot apple cider? If you’ve already had your pumpkin spice latte for your morning pick-me-up, you need to wind down and relax with hot apple cider. Paired with your favorite movie, this could turn into your favorite late night treat.


Football… it’s finally here

Enjoying a football game is just one of the benefits to the fall season. All your favorite teams are back at it again and you’re with them all the way. Nothing better than being at a football game with all your friends, cheering on your team, with some hot chocolate warming your hands and your stomach. LET’S GO FOOTBALL!


Pumpkins are showing up…. everywhere!

Ever have that creepy feeling someone is watching you? Do you know what it feels like to be watched by something you can’t see? Look no further for I have the answer to all your questions. IT’S PUMPKINS! They’re sneaking onto your front porch, into your pie, and even into your ice cream! Don’t worry, they’re harmless. For now…


It’s creepy and it’s spooky.

It’s Halloween! The time for people to be anything they want to be. The time when it’s okay to scare little kids. Halloween gives everyone the excuse to ditch the diet and eat candy until they’re sick. Get into the Halloween spirit early and start thinking about your costume! Decorate your house two weeks early, just because you can. We won’t judge.


Wrap up in that special someone’s arms

Fall weather is the perfect cuddling weather. If you have a sweetheart, or want a sweetheart, now is the time to charm them with how amazing you are at cuddling. Cuddle on the couch, cuddle at the movies, cuddle on your picnic, it’s basically a win-win for everyone. The air is cool enough for you lovebirds to cuddle without having to immediately seperate because of excessive body heat. So bring on the PDA!


No-shave November

Yes, guys, we can do it to. “No-shave November” is a full month of no shaving. Ladies, if your guy friends brag about participating in this year’s “no-shave November,” you can join in on the fun by not shaving your legs. Of course, this means you’ll be wearing jeans more, but hey, it’s a month you don’t have to worry about how prickly your legs are and it means less time in the shower. Who wouldn’t participate?



Wondering what you can do to enjoy these fall nights? If you’re like me, bonfires are something you look forward to. And where there are bonfires, there are s’mores, which are hard to say no to. The fall nights can be pretty chilly, but warming up next to the fire and telling ghost stories are the perfect ending to any day. 


Scary movies

While this is the reaction most people have when it comes to watching scary movies, most people enjoy the adrenaline rush. October is the prime month for scary movies to make their premier. Beginning October 19 is ABC’s “13 Nights of Halloween” they host every year by playing one scary movie a night for 13 days. Of course, many other network channels play classic Halloween movies such as Halloween Town and the Goosebumps series. Find your favorite channel or go see a new movie in the theaters, either way make sure to scare yourself silly this Halloween.


Thanksgiving lunch, dinner, then lunch again

Hope you’re hungry for Thanksgiving food, because that’s all you’ll be eating for the next three days after Thanksgiving. Everyone knows your family makes entirely too much food to possibly be consumed in one day, so why does this happen every year? Because we love leftovers, especially of the Thanksgiving kind. Plus, the nap that rewards us after we eat too much is too good to pass up this year. Thanksgiving gives us one more reason to love fall for days at a time!


“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire”

That’s right, ladies, our favorite modern day warrior princess is back! This awaited movie will grace us with its presence on November 22, a day that should be circled in every fan’s calendar. This has been the fall every Hunger Games fan has been waiting for. 


Doctor, who?

For all my Whovians, this is a very much awaited for fall. This fall, Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary, “The Day Of The Doctor,” premiers November 23! It’s been a wild ride with ten and eleven, and now we get to see both on the same screen! If I could go back to this past summer again, I would still wish it would pass quicker so I could be nearer to this day in history. To those of you who do not know what Doctor Who is, please do yourself a favor and find a way to watch this show. It will change your life.


The Little Mermaid

That’s right, Disney is releasing The Little Mermaid in all it’s enhanced glory. The little girl in me is jumping up and down and doing cart-wheels for the release of one of my favorite childhood movies. Don’t miss the November 17th release date! Man I love fall, don’t you?




I'm a senior here at Georgia College. My major is English, with a concentration in creative writing, and a minor in Marketing. I love to write fiction with dabbles in poetry. I'm happily taken with the love of my life and we have an adorable puppy (that's mostly his, but I like to steal him.) Working with HerCampus has allowed me to get to know some wonderful girls and I couldn't be happier with the experience.