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10 Things We Say We’ll Be Better About Each Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GCSU chapter.

We all do it. Set our “new semester resolutions” and, just like New Year resolutions, they always get broken. 

1. You say you’ll cook more, but…

…then you realize you suck at it. 


2. You say you’ll work out more, but…

…you end up convincing yourself that walking to class is enough exercise for one day.


3. You say you’ll read all of the required reading, but…

 …Netfilx always gets the best of you.


4. You say you’ll keep your room clean, but…

we all know how hectic the semester can be!


5. You say you’ll stay in and do homework, but…

 …you tell yourself you need a GNO every week (which, in my opinion, is true!).


6. You say you’ll save money by not going downtown, but…

…somehow you find yourself at every Karaoke Tuesday.


7. You say you’ll do laundry on a weekly basis, but…

…you end up setting records for how many times you can wear the same shirt.


8. You say you’ll shower and look presentable for every class, but…

…you end up rocking the dry shampoo and norts look (no shame).


9. You say you’ll study every night the week of a test, but…

…you end up pulling that dreaded all-nighter (over and over and over again).


10. You say you’ll end the semester with all A’s, but…

…C’s get degrees!


Anyway, it’s all about the college experience, right?


Hi Her Campus readers! I'm a Senior Mass Communications major, Netflix fanatic and everything caramel-based lover. You can always find me hanging out with my friends, watching Grey's Anatomy, eating Barberitos or doing all three at the same time! I'm Social Media/Public Relations chair for both Her Campus and CURE GC and love to support other organizations on campus that I have a passion for. I hope one day to go on a mission trip before my "big girl life" starts and then either do Public Relations for an amazing company close to my heart, like Her Campus or CURE, or open a clothing store of my own and donate a cut of the profits to different charitites each month. However for now, I'm going to take it day-by-day and enjoy what's left of my college career! XO, Katelyn.