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What The People Who Attended Trump’s Rally in Tally Had to Say About it

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The people interviewed for this article were all randomly selected at Trump’s Rally in Tallahassee on Tuesday, October 25, 2016. A few of the “Dump Trump” protesters were also interviewed. They will all remain unnamed.

Here’s what they had to say.


HC: Why do you think Trump is the right choice?

ANON 1: He’s not a politician.

ANON 2: He has a contract with America, that’s the right thing to do. His opponent is as crooked as a bicycle wheel.

ANON 3: He’s a businessman and not a politician. My husband is a businessman. That’s why I support Donald Trump.

HC: What are the important issues in this election?

ANON 1: That a non-politician and just a standard American wants stand up and be. The Supreme Court needs to be handled, the Supreme Court justice. If Hillary gets in office, it will remain the same- if not, worse. I think Trump is the best solution. I don’t think there’s a good choice, but I think Trump is the better of the two because he’s a non-politician, he’s a business man. I think he can change, I think he can make America great again.

ANON 2: The economy and terrorism. Hillary clearly doesn’t care about either of those. She is a terrorist.

ANON 3: Jobs. We need to work. We need out jobs back. I travelled around the country and saw factories shut down everywhere.

HC: What do you think of the protesters?

ANON 1: The protestors are garbage. Garbage. I think if you’re coming here to see Trump you need to do that. I think it’s a little ridiculous because people that want to support are here. I understand protests, but I think it’s unnecessary. Just don’t come.

ANON 2: They’re welcome to be stupid. They have nothing better to do except dress up like women and hate America.


HC: What is your message for this protest?

ANON 4: Hopefully people that are borderline can realize there are people strong enough to sand against Trump. Hopefully they’ll see that our good lady Hillary is not an evil woman. She’s not a crook. We love her to death, so that’s my message.

ANON 5: My message is please vote responsibly. Think about the implications. We may not have an ideal contest going. We have two very flawed candidates, but one of them will get us into World War 3 and that’s why I’m anti-Trump.

ANON 6: To draw attention to the horribly offensive and aggressive nature of Donald Trump.

HC: Why isn’t Trump the right choice?

ANON 4: He has no experience, nor credentials. He may be a great sales person, which is demonstrated. He does not know what he’s doing in terms of government. He has no idea.

ANON 5: He is an insane person and will go mad with power.

ANON 6: He’s a bigot. He’s a racist. A sexist. I think he would set us back years if he’s elected.

HC: What are the important issues in this election?

ANON 4: Environmental issues are at the top of the list. Protecting our environment is so extremely important.

ANON 5: Trump thinks he knows more than our generals, and says he wants to commit war crimes.

ANON 6: Women’s rights, the rights of people of color, the disabled, people who are disenfranchised in this country. He doesn’t speak to any of them.


FSU student, tutor, editor and writer
Alex is native to Miami, Florida but currently resides in Tallahassee. She's a Senior at Florida State double majoring in Editing, Writing and Media and Media Communications.