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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

FOMO: The incurable affliction that plagues college students. It’s Freshman year, you finally settle into your dorm room and you hear music playing downstairs. You should probably be prepping your things for the first day of classes, but a little thing called FOMO starts to creep in–the fear of missing out. Typically, this fear stems from the desire to make the most out of your college experience. It’s the inability to say no to a party, outing, game or any other event. You would think that as your years in school pass, this fear begins to dwindle. However, it seems to me that FOMO is hitting harder than ever, as I feel like I need to make the most out of the time I have left.

The fear of missing out is no joke. It’s an inescapable foe that can drive you to do things you would not otherwise do, pulling you out of your comfort zone and into the state of mind in which you don’t want to let life pass you by. But FOMO is a double-edged sword. Often times people let this fear of missing out distract them from their responsibilities. This overwhelming urge to be in every picture, memory, and inside joke held by your peers is a normal condition, but it must be put in check. For the sake of your health, learn to work through it. You are not alone. 

Courtesy: Sell House Fast

Here are 3 ways to treat your FOMO this upcoming fall!

1. Planning 

Have you ever heard the phrase, “By failing to plan, you’re planning to fail?” The best way to avoid missing out on events is by not missing them! In order to ensure this, one must be a meticulous planner, ensuring that key responsibilities are checked off your to-do list. This facilitates your ability to be spontaneous and take that day trip to the beach your friends decided on this morning!

2. Saying No

No, you don’t have to tailgate a 12:30 p.m. game. You don’t need to jump into Westcott Fountain if you had a fever last night. You don’t need to volunteer to host that wine night. The world will not cease to turn if you simply say no.

3. Social Media Hiatuses

If you’re trying to avoid the temptation of FOMO, steer clear of social media for a while. Most events are constantly coming up on our social media sites (especially Facebook).

All in all, FOMO is natural, but don’t let it dictate your life! Make sure that you do things that appeal to you because you’ve always wanted to do them, not because you don’t want to feel left out. And upperclassmen, don’t worry, we’ll always have football season to come back after our graduation takes us from this beautifully busy college town.

Her Campus at Florida State University.