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What It’s Like To Be A SoulCycle Instructor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

For any girl who has ever been to a SoulCycle class, you know how passionate (and fit) their instructors are. An instructor can really make or break your class, from their music choice to how they choose to motivate you. If you don’t already know, one of Fordham’s very own alumni recently became an instructor at SoulCycle’s Union Square and 19th Street studios. You may recognize her as a former member of Expressions Dance Alliance, but now Kingsley Delacato is grooving to music in a different way. I had the opportunity to ask Kingsley everything I’ve ever wanted to know about what it’s like to be a SoulCycle instructor (because let’s be real, it’s pretty cool.)

1)    What made you want to become a SoulCycle instructor?

I grew up as a dancer and a performer, so riding bikes at SoulCycle always felt so natural to me. It’s kind of like a giant dance party on a bike. I worked the front desk at the West Village studio for a year before becoming an instructor. During that time, I rode all the time. I loved the way that I felt before, during, and after class. The instructors always left me feeling on top of the world—like I could do anything that I set my mind to. They helped me to believe in myself, feel confident, and step far outside of my comfort zone. I wanted to make people feel the same way. At SoulCycle, we thrive on an exchange of energy and I truly believe that everyone that steps into that room is a vital part of the process. I like helping create the energy and feel great that people feel better walking out the door than when they walked in!

2)    Where do you find your music? What’s the process of mixing the music and matching it to the workout like?

One thing that becoming an instructor has taught me is that music tells a story. It tells you what it wants you to do. I definitely listen to music differently than I ever have before. Musicality plays a big part in how you teach it. I find my music all over. I love remixes so Soundcloud is always my go-to (follow me @kingsdelacato)! 

3)    How do you motivate people in your classes?

When it comes down to it, I really just try to think about what it is that motivates me. I try to find sources of inspiration and talk about that. Whatever mood I’m in that day or whatever is going on in my own head, I try to make that relatable to everyone else. I really just try to keep it real.


4)    How often do you teach?

I teach almost every day! I’m at the Union Square and 19th Street studios, so come take my class!

5)    What’s your workout routine like aside from your SoulCycle classes?

I love doing yoga to help stretch me out and keep a clear mind. It’s a nice balance to the high intensity workout of SoulCycle. I also love running, boxing, dancing, and bootcamps. Basically I love sweating with my friends and like-minded people, it’s the best way to make new friends! 

6)    What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

Everyone that shows up has their own unique stories. None of us really know what is going on in other people’s lives, but we all come together to work it out and have fun while we do it. I love seeing people’s break through moments and seeing people push themselves out of their comfort zones. I think we help each other a lot in that room to find the best versions of ourselves, and knowing that maybe you played a small part in helping someone get there is a great feeling.


Follow Kingsley on Instagram for updates on her teaching schedule: @kingsdelacato (and support your #ramily and go take her class!)

Natalie is a senior at Fordham University where she is a Communications major, concentrating in Journalism. She's previously been a Public Relations Intern at Rent the Runway, a Features Editor at Seventeen Magazine, and an Editorial Intern at Dance Spirit Magazine. This semester, she has the opportunity to combine both of her passions, dance and journalism, as a Press Intern at the New York City Ballet. She continues to take class at the infamous, Broadway Dance Center as she hopes to enjoy her senior year to the fullest.