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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.




It’s finally spring, Collegiettes, and you know what that means—darties. Okay, fine it also means counting down the seconds in class before meeting up with your friends on Eddie’s for an afternoon in the sun. As you head to Eddie’s with your blanket in one hand and an iced coffee in the other, you are seriously entering at your own risk. From frisbees to rogue shirtless boys, there are some staples that let it be known it’s definitely spring at Fordham. 

1. Showing up at 2:00 and seeing there’s no room to sprawl all of your stuff out. 



2. Just like in Mean Girls, you know exactly whose spot is where on a perfect spring day. 



3. Frisbees… Everywhere.



4.  When it’s barely 65 degrees but all of the guys are shirtless. 



5. Filling your Snapchat Story with selfies of you and your friends, all featuring Keating just in case anyone forgot you went here. 



6. Looking around and seeing other people getting work done, but you just aren’t. 



7. When a member of your squad has to leave to go to class and it’s like the final goodbye. 




8. The endless amounts of cut-off denim shorts, crop tops and converse. 



9. Seeing someone cute walking your way, then they put their blanket down nowhere near yours. 



10. Someone saying “you’re totally getting a tan right now.” 



11. Then later realizing you actually were just burning frying. 



12. But after all that, you know you just had the best people-watching, sunbathing day ever, so it’s all entirely worth it. Same time, same place tomorow?




Christina is a member of the class of 2018 at Fordham University, pursuing a major in Communications and Media Studies. Some of her favorite things include Sex and the City re-runs, dogs and pretending Zayn is still a member of One Direction.