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Dear Betty: I’m Homesick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

Dear Betty,

I’m from California, so the only thing that was missing from Family weekend was my family.  I love Fordham but sometimes the distance makes me question taking that 3,000 ft. trip across the country.  What do I do?


California Dreaming




Dear California,

Missing your family is normal no matter how far away they are, so you are definitely not alone!  My advice: keep yourself busy.  Take advantage of all the clubs and activities Fordham has to offer.  Get involved and get excited about something on campus!  Give yourself something to look forward to and make plans with friends.  Plan a trip to the city and experience everything the Big Apple has to offer!  Still missing home?  No worries.  Redecorating your dorm room or apartment with pictures of your favorite people will make you feel right at home.  Set aside time to call or video chat with friends and family from home and it’ll seem like you never left!

Hope this helps!

Yours truly, Betty