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Packing 101: Tips & Tricks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

My years have consisted of constant stress, occasional regret and countless of sleepless nights. No, these three things have not been a product of being in school for fifteen years, but rather of all the flights I’ve taken and the sights I’ve been able to see. While traveling is truly a blessing and a privilege not many have the opportunity to indulge in, it can really take a toll on your mind when there are other things you have to prioritize. You can’t exactly tell your boss you’re calling off of work because you have to pack for your trip to Hawaii or tell your professor that they have to reschedule your exam because you forgot that you didn’t pack your favorite skirt for your vacation to Paris. With having so many to-dos and so little time, remembering to effectively pack is hard.


If you’re traveling this Winter Break, fear not wander-luster, for I have got you covered with the best tips and tricks to lighten the task of packing and not have it be an impending doom.

There are two main things before you begin to pack.


1. Ask yourself the Four W’s.

Yes, I know its custom to have five, but for you travel-seeker, there are only four. What a lot of people don’t realize is that packing could be so much more efficient if they thought about their trip just a little bit. Where are you going? What will you be doing? With who are you going? When are you going? And the bonus question: for how long? All of these questions will help you narrow down all the unnecessary items that your subconscious is dying to include into your suitcase. If you were going on a trip during the summer to a warm-climate place, typical items to take would be lightweight tops, shorts and bathing suits. At most you would take one sweater in case the nights are a tad chilly or simply to wear it on the plaNe. The duration also has an affect as to the size of luggage and quantity of clothes you need. Think about it. Are you going to wear three pairs of leggings if you’re going on a cruise for the weekend? No, you will not. Activities play a role into any extras that you would need; for example, if you were going hiking you would need appropriate shoes for such a task. Who you’re going with is important simply because the style of clothing you wear is usually affected by who you’re with. Flirtier outfits are worn if you’re around your partner versus comfier outfits if you’re with family.


2. Check that checklist

A lot of times we think we need to go out and spend tons of money simply because of a new travel destination or vacation is coming up. When in reality, our closets are full of pieces we can pull from. It’s important to make yourself a checklist in order for your brain to know exactly what you need to take, and that way you can narrow down what you already have and what you absolutely need to buy. This list also helps you keep track of what you’ve already packed or are still missing in order for you to not arrive to your vacation spot with a bag lacking a necessity. Packing little by little reduces the stress of doing it the night before and gives you plenty of time to acquire anything that you need to.


After these two have been done, these are just a few hacks that will safe your life:


-Bag it

It’s a little cliché, but having designated bags for all of your stuff really does make life a lot easier. Things don’t get as lost, tangled or damaged as they normally would. For toiletries and makeup, make sure that any liquids are secured tightly, placed in a plastic bag and away from any clothing items. The best tip is to put these things in your carry-on. Having a pencil pouch, makeup bag, or anything in which you can put all of the cables for your electronics will save you the headache of untangling everything once you arrive. Again, it is best if you take it in your carry-on.


-Pre-packed but still fresh

Something I learned recently that has saved me so much time is to have a pre-packed toiletry bag. This is basically a bag that already contains your basic necessities: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, etc. and you keep it in the same place so any time you travel you just grab it, possibly add just a few things and you can go. I can’t stress enough how much this has saved me when I decide the day of that I’m going on a weekend getaway.


-Roll, Roll, Roll your stuff

I’m kind of terrible at sub headers, but I think you get the point. Folding your easily creased dresses is a must, but if you can roll your dark denim jeans and save some space you should do it. Rolling up pajamas, socks and any other generic item that won’t get wrinkled can ultimately save you tons of space and allow for you to bring any souvenirs you purchase on your trip. Putting socks or undies into shoes or in-between tiny spaces is also a great way to maximize your space.


Happy Holidays and save travels to all.


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