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Ecuador: a Trip Worth Taking

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

When most people think about South America, they usually think of the more popular countries that pretty much everyone is from down here in the U.S. Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, etc. Most people that ask me where I’m from usually assume I’m from a myriad of these different countries beforehand and are surprised when I answer that I am from Ecuador. Located in the middle of the world, this beautiful country of mine has been one of the reasons for change in my habits this coming year and I wanted to share what this trip I took recently taught me, and hopefully shed a little bit more light on this enchanting country.

I was given the chance to visit Ecuador again after 4 years, with my family and, even more amazing, my boyfriend. The excitement I felt to share a huge piece of me with someone I held dear to my heart was what lead me to focus on the fact that Ecuador truly is special. It made me realize that I took it for granted when I was younger. Rich in culture, Ecuador truly is an astounding place to visit. I was given 3 weeks there, and in between seeing my family, I was only able to do a handful of things. Truly, you need 3+ months there to be able to at least see and do half of the things Ecuador has to offer. I was able to visit the monument of the middle of the world, go to a rainforest where we made handmade chocolate and sugar cane juice and jumped into a freezing cold river full of fish, I was whisked away to the top of a mountain in a cable car called the Teleferico, I ate in a restaurant so high up it was practically covered in clouds, I saw one of the biggest lakes in Quito in a boat which circled the perimeter of it, picked vegetables off the trees in my grandfather’s farm, and went through the 8 hour drive to get to the beautiful beaches in the coast of Ecuador. These are honestly just a handful of things that you can do and still need time to finish even seeing the rest of this country. With this trip, I was able to go and meet wonderful people who work hard in their crafts and truly bring people happiness with it. The people who make the little souvenirs make beautiful items and through bartering with them you find things for great prices. I was able to talk to these people and learn what they wholeheartedly love to make and why. I learned so much about what it means to truly be Ecuadorian. With little to no Wi-Fi, I spent time listening to people, to my family. I felt sincerely happy there, with no complaints as my younger self would probably have. There was a vibe of family like no other, different than here in Florida. People really gave you a warm welcome, and conversations flowed easily. Even my boyfriend, who is an outsider to all of this, felt the love that my family offered me. There’s a deeper sense and understanding of togetherness over there from everyone. From family to the people waiting on you at a restaurant, they extend kindness like no other. People really care about you there, and they can tell you many stories about their lives. I was so honored to have experienced this country with appreciation once more, and recommend going to see the wonders it offers for yourself. You’ll leave learning more about yourself than you thought you did, and more than enough about others living here. Beginning 2018 and ending 2017 with this trip truly enriched my soul and prepared me for the new semester ahead. There’s even a tradition called el año viejo which entails burning a paper mache creation ranging from cartoon characters to your own choice of creation. It’s done the second the clock strikes 12am for January 1st, ringing in the New Year. It entails burning them in order to let go of all the things that held you back in the past, and starting over fresh. This small action is what really lifted a weight off my shoulders and gave me the courage to be a better version of myself. Watching others around me doing the same, and dancing in joy watching their troubles burn away was a sight to see and behold.  Ecuador is a little wonder of the world, my place of birth, and a country worth discovering. If you ever decide that you want to travel, Ecuador should definitely be on that list.


Nicole is currently a senior at Florida International University studying English. She wants to become a full-time writer for a journalistic blog or company in the future, and hopes to publish a few novels along the way. Her truest of loves include Disney, Anime, music, her dogs, writing, and Harry Potter. She is a lover of makeup, and telling people's stories from their eyes and her experiences. She is currently a Beauty Advisor at Riley Rose part-time, and hopes to continue working alongside them in the future. You can follow her journey on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nicoli0o/ and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/nicoli0o_