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Lullabies by Lang Leav

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

Can I just say how awesome this book is and how interesting I found this book? It’s filled with fantastic poems about love and loss, something every collegiette can related to! This book really spoke to my soul and my life, especially with the way that I am trying to figure out the single life after the end of a three-year relationship, and how I journey to find another guy to love again soon. I also really loved how this book was set to a musical theme, especially since I’m someone who LOVES music! Leav is such a talented author and I can’t spill anymore because you readers have to go out and get it! I highly recommend it. It’s definitely a memorable book.

HCXO readers!

Along with being the Her Campus Franklin and Marshall Campus Correspondent, I am also the editor-in-chief of Epilogue, F&M's literary Magazine, Staff Writer for The College Reporter, F&M's student newspaper, and a very active member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. When not hard at work, you can find me writing, reading, geeking out over Disney movies with my friends, or doing art projects.