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10 Ways to Enjoy the Nice Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

10 Ways to Enjoy the Nice Weather

  1. Take a trip into your local college town or city. Here at F&M, we are literally right on the edge of Lancaster city. It’s always easy to catch a bus to downtown or just walk there. Take a walk to a café or a bookstore and be out in the sunshine!
  2. Go on a bike ride. Biking is great exercise and it’s faster than walking too! You’ll be able to see more and get a workout at the same time. Go with some friends to a local park or another place!
  3. Head to the local park. I know this ties in a bit with the last one, but definitely do it! Go to the park and have a picnic, or find an event that is going on there one day and attend. It will be great to be out for a while.
  4. Play a game of Frisbee. When the weather is beautiful, gather some friends and head out to your quad and throw a Frisbee back and forth! Or pick some other game your friends would enjoy.
  5. Do homework outside. Though this may not sound as fun as some of the other suggestions, it is definitely worth a try! Doing homework outside when the sun is shining will let you enjoy the outdoors while being productive at the same time.
  6. Keep up to date on local events. Is there an outdoor concert going on near your college? Or some kind of fair? Make sure you know about it and then go!
  7. Attend athletic games. Whether you are an athlete or not, you can go support your school’s teams. Take a group of friends and hang out on the bleachers while watching lacrosse, tennis, or whatever sport you like best!
  8. Visit a playground. Awake some of the memories of your childhood by heading to the local playground and playing on the swings. Most college students love this as much as the kids do!
  9. Read a book. Head outside, find a chair or a nice patch of grass, and read that book you’ve been waiting all semester to start, but just haven’t found the time.
  10.  Have an impromptu music party. Grab some friends, some speakers, and just chill somewhere outside. Nothing ushers in spring and summer better than great music!
I attend Franklin & Marshall College and am the campus correspondent of the Her Campus chapter here. I also play flute with the Pep Band and Symphonic Wind Ensemble. I am an editor for the Patsy Post, am involved with F&M Unleashed, a member of Mu Upsilon Sigma, and a Brother of Phi Sigma Pi, a co-ed honors fraternity.
Along with being the Her Campus Franklin and Marshall Campus Correspondent, I am also the editor-in-chief of Epilogue, F&M's literary Magazine, Staff Writer for The College Reporter, F&M's student newspaper, and a very active member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. When not hard at work, you can find me writing, reading, geeking out over Disney movies with my friends, or doing art projects.