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Kick Bake and Enjoy : 10 Foodie Instagram Accounts You Need in Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

There is no doubt that there is an Instagram account out there that can inspire and cause any food lover to instantly salivate. The ever-increasing number of online food bloggers out there and their following has meant that food’s social media presence has well and truly reached its impetus in the last couple of years, the hashtag #foodporn providing more than 153,000,000 posts on Instagram alone! Whether you love the perfectly-cooked steak, aesthetically pleasing patisseries, or are looking to expand your university cooking repertoire, below are some of the best food bloggers to follow at the moment:

1. desserted_in_paris  

For all kinds of beautiful patisseries that Paris has to offer, plus the pastry chef matches the cakes to his shoes. This account is not only cake but it is FASHUN.  

2. marcus_cooks_ 

For the best looking burgers, ramen and macaroni cheese, dare I say it – in the world, this is not one to be missed.

3. grillinfools

For all the different cuts and styles of cooking meat that you could imagine, this beefy account causes a searing hunger within.

4. lokokitchen

For pies and tarts with the most detailed patterns that look more like spirograph designs than something you can actually eat.

5. maxime.frederic

For a Parisian pâtissier that creates incredible sculptures out of chocolate amongst other things.

6. cannellevanille

 For simplistic posts of baked goods, soups and ramen, plus recipes for these delicious dishes too, this woman will give you both kitchen and prop arrangement envy with her visual food stories.

7. wrightkitchen

For vibrant vegetables and other foods arranged by their colour gradients, this creative account is like a rainbow of nourishment.  

8. chefjacqueslamerde

For intricate, tweezered food made from deconstructed junk food, this unique concept satirizes the notion of fine dining, with hilariously goofy captions.

9. sproutedkitchen

For wholesome, simple food, that will inspire you to cook up something for you and your flatmates this evening.

10. the.xandwich

For the best sandwiches in London, Alex Fletcher reviews in minute detail each sandwich he eats and scores them out of 10. The capital’s connoisseur for lunch

Here’s hoping we’ve made you crave all sorts of food you never even know you wanted, and that you’ve found the sources of your newest food inspo!

Fourth Year French and Italian student at the University of Exeter.