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Why Women Should Make The First Move

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Why Women Should Make The First Move


You Will Feel Like a Bad Bitch

Even if you have to fake it till you make it with the confidence, you’re going to be proud as hell after you’ve put yourself out there. Especially if you get the answer you were waiting for! Everyone will think you are a total badass, and you will seriously feel so great after you have conquered any fears you’ve had.

Confidence is Sexy

Men think confidence is very sexy. Knowing what you want, and going for it eliminates all mixed signals and games. Confidence means you are good as you are, and you fully accept yourself which lets others around you do the same. It can take strength and time to develop but loving yourself allows you to love others as well, and confidence is a great quality to have.

Fella’s Want a Brake

A man’s ego and confidence could be bigger than the moon but they are still going to get a little nervous flutter in their chest before approaching you. Odds are he has been rejected a few times before and there is always a chance it could happen again. So if he isn’t approaching you, he could be nervous. Sometimes men just want someone else to approach them first, so they don’t need to risk bruising their ego.

Rewrite The Stereotypical Gender Roles

The old stereotypical dating rules like waiting for him to call first, are long gone ladies! Women are running businesses, they are huge successes, and taking this world by storm. There is no reason why the dating game should be any different, society is changing and women are powerful. Go out there, make decisions for yourself, and do what will make you happy. No more waiting around for someone else to change your life!

Guy’s Actually Like It!

You cannot feel like you’re taking away a man’s spotlight, ego, or role when you are going to make the first move. Although the traditional dating rules used to be let the man come to you first, it doesn’t have to be like that anymore. They like the change up of roles, because it gives them a little break and they love to be wanted and desired by a women. This helps boost their ego, and will without a doubt make their day. Like I said before, confidence is sexy! Be the change in the dating game, and go get your man.

It Ends The Waiting Game

Making the first move is the best because you’re not just waiting around for life to happen. You are not only ending the waiting game but you’re showing him you know exactly what you want. That self-assurance is a turn on for anyone. There won’t be anymore wondering if he likes you or not, because you’ll know after you make the move. You will be taking your dating life into your own hands, which is a powerful thing to do.


The Worst Thing That Can Happen Is They Say No

Rejection is a common fear for everyone but you can’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. Cliche I know! But you reaching out first is a fearless and bold move, so any man who is scared off by you clearly has his own list of insecurities. This shows you what kind of man you’re dealing with early on, and can save you from some real heartbreak. Embrace your confidence and move on to the next one, it would be his loss.


Go Get Em’ Girls