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Zach Sold, ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Name: Zach Sold
Year: Junior
Major: English and Creative Writing
Hometown: Ardsley, N.Y.
Fraternity: Sigma Nu
Other activities: Writing, IM all star, formal date extraordinaire, people -watcher
Relationship Status: Depends who you ask
Her Campus Emory (HCE): How do you feel about being chosen for campus cutie?
Zach Sold (ZS): I’m actually very honored. I feel I can add an element of class and intelligence to this esteemed group. Plus a tinge of arrogance which I think it’s been lacking.
HCE: How much time do you spend working out?
ZS: I don’t work out, if I did it would be unfair.
HCE: What is your guilty pleasure?
ZS: I’ll have to go with the honest answer on this one and say listening to Boyz II Men. I don’t care what you say those guys have heart.  Is it a guilty pleasure if I’m proud of it?
HCE: Boxers or briefs?
ZS: Depends on my mood. Usually briefs for special occasions. In any case, I prefer commando.
HCE: Which celebrity do you think you’re most like?
ZS: There’s no good answer to this question really but I’d have to go with Mark Wahlberg. He actually based his character in “Boogie Nights” off of me.
HCE: What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done to impress a girl?
ZS: I once skinny-dipped in the Rio Tormes in Spain, but it was a cold night and it ended up being less impressive than planned.
HCE: What do you do to prepare for formal season?
ZS: Ha. Wouldn’t you like to know.
HCE: What is your type/what do you look for in a girl?
ZS: I’m not really one to discriminate, but I’ve always been a sucker for the aggressive type. This includes growling, lip licking, the whole 9 yards. Don’t know why but something gets me about putting forth minimal effort.
HCE: I love girls at Emory because…; I hate girls at Emory because…
ZS: I love girls at Emory because there are a lot of prime gold-digging opportunities; I hate girls at Emory because of all things associated with Yogli Mogli, FroYo, and all other rhyming yogurt establishments.
HCE: What is your biggest pet peeve?
ZS: Michael Flatley: Lord of the Dance. The Irish jig guy. His legs flail about as if independent from his body!
HCE: What is the most recent goal you have set for yourself? How are you going to accomplish this?
ZS: Be a campus cutie. Check.
HCE: If you could only bring three things to a deserted island, what would they be?
ZS: Probably a book for entertainment, a lighter for survival, and a boat so I could go get some other shit when I got bored.