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Why You Should Have Friendsgiving, as Told by Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

If you consider yourself a true fan of the show Friends, you’ve definitely seen all the seasons more than once. Which also means you know exactly what I’m referring to when I say, “The one where Joey gets a turkey stuck on his head.” It’s a must-see episode, but then again, aren’t they all?

This loveable group of friends has continuously taught me the importance of friendship, laughter, and genuine good times. Here are seven reasons why you should have a friendsgiving with all of your favorites this year.

1. You get to show off your cooking skills.

Okay, maybe not everyone belongs in the kitchen, but that’s why cooking with friends is great! Whether you make it a potluck style feast, and everyone brings their favorite dish, or you take the plunge and cook together, most of the food is sure to turn out yummy. And if it doesn’t, you’re college kids: you know how to cook up Ramen noodles real good.

2. You can wear whatever you want.

Dressing up for the holidays is fun and all, but sometimes comfy clothes are a must when you’re eating all that food. Your friends may laugh at your wardrobe choices, but it’s always in good fun, and there’s no family judgement. Break out the sweatpants, friends – it’s almost turkey time!

3. You get to be your authentically weird self.
Similar to wearing whatever you want, you get to act however you want. Your friends are probably very similar to you and appreciate your weirdness, so there’s no need to hide it when you’re around them. Families love you too, of course, but we all know it’s not quite the same. Cherish these moments when responsibilities are still somewhat small. In the meantime, adulting can take a break for a day or two.

4. You can drink..and drink..and drink some more.

Holidays are meant for celebrations, right? This means appreciating all you have and allowing yourself to relax with a glass of wine, or three. College students typically aren’t strangers to drinking, and if you’re anything like my friends, you’ll create fun drinking games to make friendsgiving feel more like a party. You can even make fun cocktails too! Did someone say sangria?

5. You get to experience your food comas together.

You know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s that time of the night when you slowly start crashing right before dessert is served. The house is toasty warm and you’ve already unbuttoned your pants. What’s better than snuggling up with your friends on a couch and comparing food babies? Nothing. Nothing is better than that. Embrace the coma.

6. You get to exchange your favorite stories.

These stories usually consist of comparing holiday traditions to sharing the most memorable memories between your friends. Let’s not forget about the embarrassing stories either, as if you thought your friends would let them slide because it’s a day of thanks. HA. Get ready for the laughs, smiles, and arguments over whose mom makes the best stuffing.

7. You get to be surrounded by people you love.

As we grow older, friends become more important. They’ve been there for you through many changes, accepted you as you’ve discovered yourself, and always provided comedic relief when needed. Take this day to show them how much you care. Be thankful together and never stop making time for one another.

Autumn believes in a combination of hard work and magical thinking. True to her Libra ways, she embraces balance in all aspects of life and enjoys connecting with others. Specializing in Marketing Management, she thrives in helping brands build their platforms through authentic and inspiring content. Find more on Instagram: @aduslayy
Her Campus Emmanuel