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What Guys Really Think About Halloween Costumes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Emerson’s very own Real Live College Guy, Colin, gives us his take on Halloween costumes:

Ladies, we all know that Halloween is an amazing holiday filled with, costumes, fun, parties, and of course candy! But lets be serious for a second – costumes are a huge part of this holiday and should not be taken lightly. There is the old classic statement that “It’s a night where girls just wear lingerie in public and get away with it.” To be honest, the costumes that are clever, smart and show that some real thought was put into them are the best ones out there. Throwback costumes to classic cartoons or movie characters, your favorite Disney princess, celebrities, and topical social references are always fantastic ideas for costumes. Remember the sexy nurses, sexy witches, sexy (insert any costume idea here) will be out in full force this Halloween, better off standing above the rest in an awesome costume. Guys, at least the ones worth your time, like a girl that can show off a little intellect with a fun costume, not show off more skin than costume. There is nothing wrong with being yourself, and choosing your costume this Halloween should express that. Wearing lingerie outside is one way to show off what you got, but if you want to be sexy this Halloween, do your best to make an actual costume out of it. If you’re looking to impress on this Halloween, you should not have to pull a Karen Smith and explain your costume with “I’m a mouse, DUH.”


Sara graduated from Emerson College in December 2013 with her B.S. in Marketing Communication. She loves writing, designing and DIY.  Follow her on twitter @SaraWynkoop