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Throwback Craft Day: Leaf Rubbings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Two years ago, my family headed outside to rake leaves. We had such a great time jumping in piles and running around, and my mom suggested we remember the moment by each picking a favorite leaf and making a leaf rubbing with them. I hadn’t thought about making leaf rubbings since I was in Kindergarten, so I was shocked at how great the artwork looked. Since then, this is the craft that jumps to mind as soon as I see the leaves turning orange and falling from the trees.






1)   Find your leaves. It usually works best to pick it straight from the tree or find one that has recently fallen. If they’re a little wet you can place them between sheets of paper towels.

2)   Pick a few crayons out and peel the paper wrapping off.

3)   Take a piece of printer paper and put it over a leaf. Rub the peeled crayon over the paper length wise, and enjoy the majesty of nature.

4)   Repeat with several leaves on the same sheet.


You can frame your finished craft, have your friends sign it, or just tack it up on your wall!

I'm a journalism major at Emerson College. Passions include Vermont, running, and DIY projects.
Emerson contributor