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How to Handle a Teacher You Just Can’t Stand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Teachers. We love them and we… disagree with them sometimes. Even if you get stuck with that teacher that everyone rates low on ratemyprofessor.com, there is still hope to get something out of the class no matter how bad the score. Here are just a few tips to show you that the 3 hours a week that you have to deal with them isn’t so bad after all. 

1. Make a playlist   

You may want to talk to your friends or catch up on some homework you chose to hold off on until 3 minutes before class, but listening to music can get you in the zone for whatever comes your way. My personal preference is “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey, because deep down I believe that maybe the teacher will call in sick and I can go back to my nap. 

2. Wear comfortable clothes

We all want to look our best in class here at Emerson, but the fact is it hurts to be beautiful. If your 2 pm class just puts you in the worst mood, why add to that torture with a tight dress and itchy tights? Pull out those cheeto stained sweatpants and your oversized sweatshirt to endure a 2 hour lecture with your least favorite professor. No one will judge you for it, and if they do just slump further into your sweatshirt and pray one of their heels breaks off. 

3. Eat up

No matter what time it is, you have to be well fed for class. If you don’t particularly like your teacher and your stomach is making the loudest gurling noises you have ever heard, the minutes in class will feel like hours. If you don’t have time to eat before class, bring something to snack on. It will keep your stomach noises at bay and somewhat occupied. You know what they say, “time flies when you’re eating a Big Mac.” 

4. Speak up

You may not like it, but participating can make time go by a lot quicker. If we don’t like teachers we tend to hide in the back and are never seen again until the final. Don’t fall into that trap. Even if you don’t like the teacher, you are still being graded on participation by them. So raise your hand and say something. 

5. Never look at your watch

We all do it. It’s great to look at the time and see that there are only 15 minutes left, but those 15 minutes feel like forever once you start the countdown. It is far more rewarding to be surprised when the teacher tells you class is over. So leave the watch in your room. And let’s be honest, leave your phone in your room. 

6. Never look at your phone EVER

Phones. In theory they are wonderful, but in reality they are the devil. You decide to take a peek at your phone to look up the time and all of a sudden you are checking up on emails and scrolling through your Instagram while hiding it in your notebook. Plus, the teacher that you already have some reason for disliking may catch you and call you out during class. Now you have a number 6 on the list of reasons you don’t want to go to this class. Moral of the story is: don’t bring your phone if you can help it. Let’s be honest though, we all can’t help it. 

7. Try to make friends in class

Make as many friends as possible. Even though you may not like one very important person in the room, that doesn’t mean you can’t love everyone else. Even if you have a hard time making new friends you all probably have one very important thing in common: your dislike for your teacher. 

8. Always do your homework

You may be totally unmotivated to do work for a teacher that isn’t motivated to teach you, but homework is important. You are still paying so much money for each class that you have to get all you can out of your 2 hours of torture. Suck it up and hit the books. 

9. Never talk back

Teachers can be mean. It’s an inevitable fact. Even if you think they are being a little harsh, it is best to nod and keep your mouth shut. You may think that a good come back in front of the class will earn you a win in their book, but there is only one book that you should care about, and that is the grade book.  

10. Doodle

It’s so simple and so deceptive. If you just can’t muster up any interest in what your teacher is saying, grab a pen and start doodling in an empty notebook. You can escape from class for several minutes and still look like you’re being productive. 

11. Make them like you

Nothing is more satisfying than making someone who you don’t like, like you. It’s not just that though, if your teacher likes you they are more inclined to give you a better grade; depending on the teacher. 

12. Imagine your teacher is twerking 

It doesn’t have to be twerking. Imagine your teacher doing something ridiculous and you may be able to look past the fact that you are listening to your teacher’s life story for a third time instead of actually learning something. 

13. Never skip a class because of a teacher

Skipping a class is great in theory. Once you decide to skip you may not realize it, but you are flushing nearly $300 down your somewhat leaking toilet because of one person. Sure, you get to avoid the professor and enjoy a nice stroll outside, or even a nap. Just remember you paid for that nap. Make it a good one. 

14. Reward yourself after every encounter you have with them

College is all about rewarding yourself. After work, a long paper, and yes a long class with that teacher you can’t stand is cause for a little treat. For me, its chocolate. For others its a nap. Whatever it is, just remember that you have to do something to get the reward, and not getting up for class is not doing something. 

15. If it’s really bad, just TALK TO THEM

In some rare cases all of these tools may not be enough to help you through your professor’s wrath. If this is the case, the best policy is to talk about it with your professor. Yes, they are here to teach you something, but more importantly they are here to help you. Most of the time they welcome conversations like this and will respect you more as an adult. If you are too shy to talk in person, email is always an option, but sometimes it is just better to talk face to face, no matter how scary your professor may be. 

I am a Writing, literature, and Publishing Major. I love Netflix, food, and sleep. College lets me experience all 3 of my favorite things simultaneously.
Emerson contributor