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How to Find Time For Yourself with a Busy Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

It’s exhilarating being back at school, starting the semester fresh. With a new semester comes the motivation to do more and take on more. Between running for that assistant position in Pub Club, tacking on another org, and teaching classes at the Emerson gym, your schedule just seems to be filling up faster than you can keep track. With everything going on, it’s absolutely vital to find some time for yourself.

Take an hour out of your day, at least two or three times a week. Whether that hour is in the morning before your 10 a.m., or in that break between your classes, every minute counts. If you can, going to the gym is one really great way to get some alone time. Listening to music and jamming out while running on the treadmill is a great way to stay in shape but also just feel better (maybe not during, but definitely after).

If working out isn’t your forte, a nice walk can have the same effect. The Esplanade is so beautiful to walk by, especially when the sun is setting. Just listening to the sounds of Boston and taking in the views is so calming. You can choose to listen to music or bring a buddy, but it’s all personal preference. You can make the walk as long or as short as you want, which is great. Just make sure to bundle up!

If you’re not one to go outside in the cold, another great alternative is to put in headphones, play that calming music and color. Even if your roommate is in the room, you can create a sense of aloneness by tuning out the world and creating your own. Coloring is a new trend for a reason; it really is relaxing. They make tons of different adult coloring books so you can find one for basically any interest of yours—I have a Paris themed one!

Taking the little moments you have to exercise, walk off any drama, color or even just enjoy a meal by yourself at the DH can benefit you a lot mentally. It’s hard constantly being around people and always being out and about, participating in a million different orgs or jobs, so finding some time for yourself is essential.

A freshman Writing, Literature and Publishing major who spends her spare time drinking one too many cups of hot chocloate and advocating for the use of the oxford comma in her major.
Emerson contributor