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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

1. Detox your diet

By eating less sugar and going for whole foods and more greens, you’ll find yourself with much more energy! Now that you aren’t stuck inside all the time, this energy will help you get out of the house and go for a walk. Or maybe run those errands you’ve been avoiding because it’s just too cold!

2. Detox your closet

I know, seems a little weird, but stick with me. By packing up all those super warm sweaters you’ve been staring at all winter, you’ll make room for all your spring clothes. Not to mention you can go from wearing the same three sweaters every day to wearing the same three t-shirts. Exciting stuff! If you’re feeling really adventurous, head to the mall and treat yourself to some new spring clothes to help liven up your wardrobe.

3. Detox your brain

Yes, your brain needs some spring cleaning too. Take time to breathe and meditate in order to stay calm this spring. You’ve been stuck inside all winter and let’s face it, you’re probably suffering from a little cabin fever. Doing yoga or meditating in a park sounds like just the activity to cure your winter blues, and it will help you think more clearly, too. Who needs all that winter stress hanging around when you can finally enjoy not freezing to death while walking outside?

4. Detox with exercise

Let’s face it, winter gives us all a little excuse to stop exercising the way we should. I mean, why would you leave your warm cozy bed to go outside and sweat in the cold? Beats me, but spring is the perfect time of year to get back on track. Not too warm, not too cold! You’ll feel much more energized from the endorphins released when working out, and you’ll be a much happier person from it as well.

5. Detox with new experiences

What’s the best way to get out of any slump? Call up your friends or loved ones and go on an adventure! Winter makes it pretty hard to do anything unrelated to being cold, so take advantage of the warm weather and do something new. Try something you haven’t been able to do all winter, like going for a nice leisurely, warm walk.

Talia is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Emerson. Talia is also a Chapter Advisor, Region Leader, and HSA Advisor. She has previously worked as an intern for the national headquarters of Her Campus in the community management department. Talia is a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College in a 4+1 combined bachelor's and master's program in publishing. She is an aspiring writer and publisher. Talia is known for living life with her journal, a pen, and three lovely cats.
Emerson contributor