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5 Ways to Avoid Stress as School Starts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

As school starts and the bustle of fall activities flurries around our heads, it’s easy to get caught up in our all too unwelcome friend “stress”. Personally, I feel stressed at least five separate times a day just thinking about the amount of STUFF that needs to get done at all times. Although it is a cliche, sometimes there is simply not enough time in the day.

Because we are so worried about getting things done, we often find ourselves not acting the way we’d normally like to act. We overreat, we snap at friends and family, and we fall asleep while watching our favorite movies (Clueless, anyone?!)

I hate the way stress affects me and my personality, so there’s a few things I do to try to combat it. Here are a couple of my best tips!

1. Comfort is Key

The best thing for me when I’m stressed and overwhelmed with school is to throw on a really comfy sweater or sweatshirt. It just sort of chills out my whole body and allows me to feel more free and relaxed. Another good idea if you have class or work and you can’t quite rock the sweatpants/sweatshirt combo is to just wear an outfit you know you look good in and that makes you feel confident. I like to call it a “power outfit” because you know you just feel and look great in it. Wearing it, you feel a little bit more in charge and like you can take over the world!

2. Make lists and write everything down

I think I would seriously drop dead if I ever lost my planner, to be honest. Not only does it have every single homework assignment I will ever get in it, it is also filled with meeting times, social plans, and reminders. Planners are so good to make sure you don’t forget something important but they’re also fantastic for planning your day. It can be awful looking at a bunch of assignments to do and meetings to attend, but if you make a to-do list; it all seems a little bit more managable. Planners are also a great place to put your favorite inspirational quotes that will keep you pushing through the never ending flow of STUFF to do.

3. Take Breaks

You have to give yourself breaks! It may seem that you simply do not have time for a break, but you do. It could be five minutes! Just get out of your head for a second and lay down, or take a walk. Clear your mind or else it won’t be at its highest capacity to get work done.

4. Get enough sleep

Although none of us really like to admit it, sleep is actually so important. I think most people have noticed a change in their attitudes as they become more agitated and anxious after pulling an all nighter to finish a paper. Typically, when we do not get enough sleep it just causes us to take more naps during the day, when we should be our most productive! My advice is to get your eight hours at night and set yourself up for productivity the next day.

5. Treat Yo-self!

Everyone has their thing and mine happens to be cheesecake. If I’m feeling particularly stressed or overwhelmed, who’s to say I can’t run to the closest bakery to splurge on something that’ll make me feel better? Now, of course, you can’t eat an entire batch of brownies everytime you’re feeling a little stressed out, but what’s the harm in a warm cookie or a steaming cup of hot cocoa after an endless day of exams and meetings? There’s no harm at all, I say. Indulge away, friends!

Obsessed with the Kennedy family and cheesecake, respectively.
Emerson contributor