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15 Things Only Girls Who Use Tinder Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Ah, Tinder. The amusing, addicting, frustrating, mostly pointless dating app that we really only turn to when we have nothing better to do. Whether you’re a regular user or you only swipe from time to time, you’ve probably encountered all of these Tinder problems at some point during your quest for love (or at least lust).

1. The struggle of trying to find the correct guy when he only has group pictures

If I have to put work into figuring out which one you are, I’m automatically swiping left.

2. Being completely turned off by someone’s bio

You do what now?

3. When someone unmatches with you for no clear reason

Oh, okay, that’s cool.

4. Figuring out the perfect opening line that is both flirty and intelligent

The conversation won’t go anywhere if I start with “Hey, what’s up?”.

5. Trying to answer the question, “So why are you on Tinder?”

How do I say that part of me wants to find my perfect match, but that I also wouldn’t mind a casual hookup, without seeming too desperate?

6. Explaining the status of your current Tinder crush to your friends

And look at how cute his dog is!

7. Wondering if meeting up with someone is a bad idea

Hang on, I just need to text my friend and let her know I’m still alive.

8. When you start imagining what might happen if/when you two get together

Is it bad that I’m lowkey planning my future with someone I’ve never even met?

9. Swiping for so long that you begin to see patterns in guys’ profiles

If I see that Wayne Gretzky/Michael Scott quote one more time…

10. The exciting moment when you get the first message from a new match…

I wonder what he said!

11. And hoping it’s not vulgar, sexist or otherwise demeaning

Asking me what my favorite position is does not warrant a response.

12. Accidentally super liking someone

I meant to swipe left!

13. Coming across a profile that has no photos of the actual person, or no photos at all

Like, what’s the point?

14. Begging your friends to download Tinder just so you can try Tinder Social

I’m honestly so curious.

15. When you realize you have unrealistic expectations for what is, after all, just an app

Wait, you mean I’m not going to find my soulmate on here?

Jamie is a senior Writing, Literature and Publishing major at Emerson College in Boston, MA. She is the Her Campus Life Editor, a National Contributing Writer, and Campus Correspondent of the Emerson Her Campus chapter. Jamie plans to pursue a career in the magazine industry. See more of her work at: www.jamiemkravitz.com